planning for the future.


Active member
I want to be a M.A.C. artist in the future and it would be helpful if someone could give me some things to do now to make myself applicable when I'm eighteen. (I'm seventeen)

I have never had a job and I'm planning to get one this summer but what would be a good one that M.A.C. looks for on a resume? retail?

I'm planning on taking a cosmetology course next year in school, I figured I want to take it anyway but it shouldn't hurt when applying, either.

I'm also building a portfolio of make up that I've done, will this come in handy?

anything else I should prepare for/with?

thnx in advance.


Well-known member
A pal of mine wrote this up (and I do beleive she's a member here) and it is very helpful.

1. Be knowledgable in the Law of Color. KNOW THE COLOR WHEEL!!! You want to know what primary, secondary, tertiary, and complimentary colors are. This helps you to pick colors that will best suit your clients skin tone, eye color and hair color. Also, this will help in mixing your products as far as foundations go... and why you use green concealer over red spots....

2. PRACTICE!!!!!! that can't be stressed enough. If you get bored.. do your make up how you normally wouldn't. Try different techniques and products. Also, try to work on as many different people and ethnicites as you can. Putting make up on an asian girl is far different than doing it on an African American girl or Causcasian girl.

3. Look the part. Represent your art and work through your own look. Be your own self promoter!

4. Build a Portfolio. Take photos of all of the work that you're proud of. Remember to include the different ethnicities in your book. Use a good quality camera and use natural lighting instead of a flash.

5. Work at a cosmetics counter. This is a good foundation to start with to learn what clients will generally expect of you. You'll also learn a lot about make up while working at a counter. (or a store like Sephora or Ulta)

6. Experiment. Try funky lashes, special effects make up, covering brows and redrawing them, overline lips, use colors you normally wouldn't. Just DON'T ever limit yourself as an artist.

7. Don't get discouraged. Some people will not like your work.. That does not mean you're not a good artist. Not everyone can like the same stuff. Just as long as you're happy with what you do...

8. Study up! Read books. I personally recommend any books by Kevyn Aucoin. His books have taught me a lot. Research online. Recreate looks you see in magazines or on t.v. Zink! magazine is an awesome magazine to recreate looks from. A lot of people think working as a makeup artist is just throwing some eyeshadow and mascara on someone and making a fast dollar. NO! There's a lot to know to be successful with makeup. It's actually quite hard but so interesting to learn at the same time

9. School isn't necessary with makeup, because you don't need to be licensed to be an MA. Would it help? HELL YES it will help. And it will look damn good on any resumes or applications. It will teach you way more than any makeup artist on myspace can teach you! I didn't go to makeup school but i did go to cosmetology school and it gives me a little extra.

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