Plant Diet / Clean eating


Hey guys!

How are you?

I'm Kay and I am one of those yo-yo dieters that loses weight and outs it back on. Sigh.

However when I'm good, I'm really good because I can feel the differences in my self.

I am really interested in starting a clean eating, health based diet but I honestly have no clue where to start. I think if I throw myself in to deep straight away I'll be put off. So I was thinking of starting with one thing a week.g. this week replace milk, etc.

I wondered if anyone else and done something similar, or had advice :)



Hi Kay! A few clarifiers would help: how old are you, how tall are you and how much do you ultimately want to lose?

I definitely agree that clean eating / whole, un-processed foods is a great strategy because it's the most nutrient-rich and no matter how many calories you intake, it will probably improve your overall health.

What's your current biggest dietary vice - like, where do you go nuts? Sweets? Chips? Full-calorie sodas?


New User
i am trying to eat less meat too, zero alcohol (tough) and no sugar.
finally reduce my intake of sweet drinks to close to zero.

cutting down on desserts too.
now whenever i eat meat, i try to eat white meat.

and if there is nice vegetarian options, i will always opt for it.

still halfway there.... hope for more clean eating more myself in the future


Active member
I prefer a plant diet because I am a vegan. You can also try it so that you will find out if it will work for you.


Well-known member
Yes, I prefer a plant-based diet too because it is much healthier!!! This diet is low in saturated fat, free of cholesterol, and rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.