Please Ask All Pro Card and Pro Discount Questions Here


Well-known member
Re: Will Barbie be sold on Pro discount?

Originally Posted by Marcita
The doll is going to be almost impossible to get anyway. They won't reserve them and they are setting aside most of the dolls for employees.

Yup, I'm hearing the same thing from most stores in my area, tho, I do have one on hold at the Pro store, they luckily had a list. I plan on picking it up at 10:00 a.m., just to be safe, even though I was promised it would be on hold for the entire day.

The barbie itself also won't be sold at Unveiling Parties on the 11th. It won't be available for purchase until the 13th.


Mac Pro Card Limit Purchases?


I got my PRO CARD yesterday and was looking over their purchase policy on I didnt quiet understand what this meant:

No more than 3 transactions per 31 days (1 month) of consistent pigment and glitter skus
No more than 3 transactions per 31 days (1 month) of multiple of the skus

What is SKUS? And do there 2 statement mean the same thing? I am not sure what I dont understand here but I would love some help! Enlighten me!


Well-known member
Re: Mac Pro Card Limit Purchases?

it means if you are only ordering pigments/glitters (nothing else in the order) you can only do that up to 3 times a month, and you cannot order any more than 3 of the same item per month (example, you can only buy 3 twig lipsticks per month, if you need 6, you must order the other 3 the following month).


Well-known member
Re: Mac Pro Card Limit Purchases?

It's because a lot of people turn around and resell the stuff in places that it isn't available...I had a guy ask for 10 of all of our darker studio fixes... and he was angry when I told him no.... we're also only allowed to sell 3 of the same product on a single transaction.


Re: Mac Pro Card Limit Purchases?

Originally Posted by M.A.C.tastic
(example, you can only buy 3 twig lipsticks per month, if you need 6, you must order the other 3 the following month).


That was what I didnt get... I called MAC PRO and asked them and the guy goes " Well... uhh...uhhh...
I dont know.. call a store" THANKS ALOT BUDDY... lol

But you answered it... TY TY TY


Re: Mac Pro Card Limit Purchases?

it means if you are only ordering pigments/glitters (nothing else in the order) you can only do that up to 3 times a month, quote]

What if I alter my order by just adding a lipgloss.. is that not considered to be a ALL SKU/PIGMENT order?


Well-known member
Re: Mac Pro Card Limit Purchases?

though sneaky lol, i think you could probably get away with it. they might give you trouble in the store or on the phone but if you do it online you prob. can. i know if i am on the pro website, and let's say, put 5 in the quantity box next to an eyeshadow or what have you, when i click add, it goes to my cart, saves it at 3 (the max) and there is a little message saying that you cannot purchase more than 3 of this item. i have never ordered or tried 3 straight pig orders, i am not sure why one would anyway, but maybe there is a little message for that as well? not sure, just use it and they will let you know if you have done something wrong. dont stress over it.


Well-known member
Re: Mac Pro Card Limit Purchases?

Originally Posted by M.A.C.tastic
i know if i am on the pro website, and let's say, put 5 in the quantity box next to an eyeshadow or what have you, when i click add, it goes to my cart, saves it at 3 (the max) and there is a little message saying that you cannot purchase more than 3 of this item.

How funny, when I do that, it let's me add 4 of any item. I've actually bought 4 foundation pumps, 4 sponges, and 4 4 pan palettes at once. I wonder why mine is different.


Well-known member
MAC Pro Discount


I have a really lame question...

I just got my pro card from school and I know they said we get a 40% discount at the store but while shopping online, I didn't notice the discount.

Do you not get a discount from the online store? I'm not sure how this works since I'm new to this
. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Pro Discount

Yup, I'm on the mac pro site. I was just throwing stuff in my shopping cart to see if the discount would be in effect but it showed the normal price :shrug:


Well-known member
Re: MAC Pro Discount

Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
There should be 3 columns: Price, Discount and Total.

Ok I got it now! I logged off and signed in again and it's now showing the discount.



Well-known member
Re: MAC Pro Discount

Originally Posted by mzreyes
OT: just curious, what school are you going to?

It's called The Academy of Aesthetics Arts and Sciences here in Arizona. Such a great school, I'm so glad I joined


Well-known member
Re: MAC Pro Discount

Sometimes you just have to sign out and then sign back in again, it happens to me if I'm shopping too long (which is all the time), it like automatically makes me sign in again.