Please Help Me..FTLOM I Can't get my Waterline Right!!!


Well-known member's the thing. I've got extremely sensitive eyes...When I was a kid, my allergies used to be so bad that I had to (more than once) go to the E.R. for my eyes (they swelled up to the point of closure). Soooo, it's hard for me to line my waterline..but I'm sure it's possible. I never bothered with it before, but now I'd like to be able to do it.

A few probs: When I try lining (mostly w/ pencil, but sometimes w/ shadow and 266 brush) the liner seems to go off the waterline and on to the base of my lower lashes (making it look very lopsided and wierd. Just not the look I'm going To make matters worse, I cannot for the life of me get the liner dark. It always comes out looking very halfhearted...not dark and smokey like I see in the FOTD's...for reference, I like the way OliveButtercups' looks in one of her smokey-eyed FOTD's....

Another thing is...OUCH!! Waterlining (to me) feels so strange and my eyes get all red and watery. Sometimes I can't even finish and just say "F-ck It..I can't do this"! Is this just because I'm VERY new to doing ya get more used to it in time, etc.? Are there girls out there w/ sensitive eyes like me whom still manage to pull this off??

BTW, the tools I've tried to work with are Benefit's "Bad Gal" black liner pencil, and MAC's "Shadowy Lady" w/ a liner brush (both 266 and a drugstore cheepie flat liner).

HELP ME!!!!!!!!! My freakin' 13yr. old niece can even line her waterline!!! I don't wanna be a WL idiot:crap: forever!!!!!!!



Well-known member
My eyes are kind of ticklish, so I don't line the waterline much, but when I do I use MAC's powerpoint pencils, or the non-metallic fluidlners with the 266 brush. I seem to do pretty well with the fluidliners, so if you haven't tried those you might want to give them a shot! Sorry I'm not more help!


Well-known member
Thanks for your reply..I've just bought "Dipdown" FL, and will try that today w/ the 266 brush.

C'mon me out here...I know some of you can help me!!!


Well-known member
Honestly? You may just have sensitive eyes and NOT be able to do your waterline.

To make your line 'darker' you may try rubbing your fingertip along the line and sorta 'drying' it and then lining it. :/


Well-known member
Yep fluidlines would be my first choice,.. Agreeing with Shimmer I also very gently pat my waterline dry with a clean tissue first,..this helps with applying shadow and pencil liner,..


New member
Fluidline would be your best bet.

Also for some people it is just not possible to wear color waterline. It could sensitive or that area for you could be very wet.

You could try tapping a tissue on the waterline to help take away the moisture befor you put a liner there but keep in mind I would not do this all the time because that are does need moisture.


Well-known member
Waterlining isn't for everyone. Maybe a kohl pencil would work better for you? If not, just give it up. Your eye is trying to tell you something - LISTEN TO IT!

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