Please help my hair!!


New member
I am soooo frustrated with my hair. I need something new. I want to keep it long, but I don't know a style of cut or a color I should do it...I'm going crazy!

I am thinking bangs, and dark brown, but I'm afraid it wont look good on my frame face


Well-known member
firstly i think you have a very pretty face and lovely long hair. i feel teh same as you - i love my long hair and like keeping the lengh but there is not much you can do with it!

maybe you could get some side swept bangs which are not as harsh as full on ones. then if you like that you can then get full on bangs later.


Well-known member
I think that bangs would look good on you, I agree that you should start with sideswept bangs. I think that a rich dark brown would also be very flattering!


Well-known member
i'd keep the hair color which is quite nice and do side bangs and maybe cut some new layers into your long hair?.. keeps the length but gives it some texture. your hair is nice as it is


Well-known member
I agree you would look great with side swept bangs and have your hair layered that would look very nice


New member
thanks everyone!!

I have a big forehead and usually part my hair on the side, so I am going to try the side swept bangs first...see how that goes, I've had them in the past and they only look good when my hair is dark....if it's highlighted, I looks like I'm 12 unfortunately lol.


Well-known member
Start out by changing the colour of your hair. If you don't like how it turns out it's the most easily fixed. Then move on from that.