Please read if you use Paypal!


Staff member
Starting June 3, 2009, there are some new policy updates (which suck btw)

Amendment to the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy
Effective Date: June 3, 2009

Beginning June 3, 2009 the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy is being amended to include a new Section 4 as follows:

Prohibited Activities
You may not use the PayPal service for activities that:

"4. involve the sales of products or services identified by government agencies to have a high likelihood of being fraudulent”

Amendment to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective Date: June 3, 2009

Beginning June 3, 2009 PayPal user agreement is being amended as follows:

1. Section 4.2 of the user agreement will read as follows:

“4.2 Receiving Payments for Commercial Transactions and Personal Transactions.
a. Fees depend on whether you are making a commercial transaction or a personal transaction. A commercial transaction involves buying and selling goods or services, and payments received when you send a “request money” using PayPal. A personal transaction involves sending money to and receiving money from friends and family without making a purchase.

b. If you are selling goods or services, you may not ask the buyer to send you a personal payment for the purchase. If you do so, PayPal may remove your ability to accept personal payments.”

2. Section 8 of the user agreement will read as follows:

8. Fees. All fees are in U.S. Dollars unless otherwise stated.

Fees depend on whether you are making a commercial transaction or a personal transaction. A commercial transaction involves buying and selling goods or services, and payments received when you send a “request money” using PayPal. A personal transaction involves sending money to and receiving money from friends and family without making a purchase.

Personal Transactions. Fees depend on the payment source that the sender selects. The amount of the fee will be shown at the time the payment is sent. The Fee is paid by either the sender or the recipient. The sender decides who pays.

Domestic Personal Transactions - U.S. sender and recipient


Staff member
If you login to paypal, you can click on the updates on the left side of the screen for further details and complete rip off fee schedules.


Well-known member
I am sure it is due to Ebay as well...They want to make all the money too....Sure they have a exclusive partnership


Well-known member
PayPal can go powder their effing nose. Their ridicu..loscity has escalated these past few years.


Well-known member
Can Ebay/Paypal get anymore greedy?? I actually hope they start to lose a noticeable amount of business and money cause of this. So they can realize how ridiculous they are seriously getting.

Even in this recession you can bet they are still making mad $$$ !

Does RME and Google Merchant work very much similiar to paypal? If so, I may have to switch over. The whole reason I have avoided listing items up for sale on ebay is cause of the 50 million fees it seems to charge you which includes paypal fees.


Well-known member
It's the credit card fees that really kill on paypal. I may have to think about using Google Checkout as a preferred method. I just hate to even think about wrap the fees into my costs.


Well-known member
yeah I have checked out thru Google a couple times....I think I will switch over for my outside of Ebay purchases & for receiving money as well.


Well-known member
I know I'm retarded, but what exactly does this mean??????? How much am I going to be charged? I can't just request money from someone?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I know I'm retarded, but what exactly does this mean??????? How much am I going to be charged? I can't just request money from someone?

I thought the same thing but didn't want to ask!
Thanks for asking the question Rbella!


Well-known member
I learned (mac4less) just how much protection PayPal offers the buyers on purchases made outside of Ebay. When I am given the option to use Google's checkout I do. I would really like to avoid using PayPal they just come off as being greedy and worthless. Just my opinion.


Well-known member
No problem, Coach. Although, I still have no clue what is happening. I need to invoice someone for a custom order in a week and I don't know if I can now?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Just curious, have government agencies identified mac products on ebay to be in "high likelihood of being fraudulent"? Does anyone know?

This is the question I'm the most curious about as well.

How will I buy from trusted sellers here on Specktra now? I actually landed reasonable deals from here because of the lack of Paypal fees and it looks like they're taking that away now too. I'd be willing to learn the Google checkout method in order to buy still but a lot of sellers would have to set up accounts just to continue to sell. Ebay owns Paypal, take away the ability to buy outside of Ebay and Ebay's the top choice again....that is one greedy move.

I actually feel sorry for the sellers that are going through the headache to all this and Holstrom4, thank you. I never look at the Paypal updates to know Specktra sellers wouldn't be able to invoice me this way. I hope the legitimate sellers are willing to set up secondary accounts to handle sales. Specktra has thrown me a couple of amazing deals and I was ecstatic that I didn't get ripped off and got a reasonable bargain.