Please, someone explain to me. . .


Well-known member
I'm guilty of always posting way to many photos. I'm a bit of a ham but to be honest I don't know why I do it. I take a bunch and can never really cut it down to two or three. I'm sorry if it bugs you. I don't like when people post links in FOTD cause I'm too lazy to click them all.

p.s. I totally put 20 pics in the last FOTD I did (which was today)


Well-known member
No, no, it doesn't bug me, persay.

It's moreso the fact that I don't get it. I understand that it can sometimes be hard to cut it down to just a couple but when the pictures look practically the same, I just don't see the point of 10-40 pictures that are just alike. I just feel like nobody really wants to spend the time scrolling through a ton of pictures that are the same (or at least, to me). It just makes me ignore the point of the FOTD: the makeup. I get hung up on the amount of pictures. But then again, I am a little OCD about things.

20 pictures? Wow, that is a lot. Ha.


Well-known member
I guess I've always just thought more is better. No ones ever said that there was too many pictures, but no one has ever said that anything looks bad. I know I'd want someone to tell me if what I'm doing ircks them or turns them away from liking me and my looks.
I know I try to be honest with people when posting but I sometimes feel as if I'm the only one, but I guess that's a whole other thread.

So my question is what is the proper format (like close up of this and this...) and amount of photos to be shown in a FOTD.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think some people just don't think much about it or think very subtle differences in a photo are important to publish.

*shrugs. FOTDs have never been something I'm interested in, but that's just me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I think some people just don't think much about it or think very subtle differences in a photo are important to publish.

*shrugs. FOTDs have never been something I'm interested in, but that's just me

I'm starting to realize that. The fact that they just don't notice or realize. Leave it to me to notice something like that.

How come FOTDs don't interest you? Out of my curiosity, I would love to know. I guess I am interested in FOTDs too much,


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll
So my question is what is the proper format (like close up of this and this...) and amount of photos to be shown in a FOTD.

Ah, I am coming off really bad here, but I really didn't mean for this escalate to something like this.

There is no proper format for FOTDs. I mean, you post what you like and what you want to post. My whole thing was what was the point behind posting so many pictures. You gave me that reason and case solved.
This is a classic example of to each their own, you know.

In my eye, I believe that when posting a FOTD, it's nice to have a picture of an open eye, closed eye, or a close up (if you can get a nice one). But as it is the case with many things, this "criteria" varies from person to person. Especially when there is no criteria really. People post what they like and how much they like. I've realized this now. That was my whole point, essentially.

It's kind of like when people post a picture that is completely washed out by the flash.
Some get it, some don't. That seems like a bad example, haha.

I just feel like that sometimes even one picture can be a good enough visual in providing the overall look or image of your makeup, you know.
just me, again.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
How come FOTDs don't interest you? Out of my curiosity, I would love to know. I guess I am interested in FOTDs too much

They just don't normally, unless it's something really spectacular like Mardi Gras makeup or someone trying to emulate someone else. I see plenty of people with interesting makeup on the street. I'd rather see the process someone applies their makeup.


Well-known member
I'd love to know what the point of posting extreme close-ups of lips in the FOTD section really creeps me out sometimes, close-ups of the eye I can understand, but the lips? Especially when you can see lip hair?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
I'd love to know what the point of posting extreme close-ups of lips in the FOTD section really creeps me out sometimes, close-ups of the eye I can understand, but the lips? Especially when you can see lip hair?


I just laughed out loud. Like seriously so loud! I completely understand what you mean by this. It can be a little creepy seeing someone's lips so up close like that. But I guess they want you to see the full effect of what they have on their lips (?).

A lot women don't realize they have lip hair though. And we all know how unforgiving macro shots can be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I'd rather see the process someone applies their makeup.

You're right.

Tutorials interest me more, but I still like to see what colour combinations people come up with. Half of the makeup I see when I'm out is pretty bad, to be honest. There are so many girls on my university campus that still do the whole "orange skin, white icing lips, thick rim of eyeliner." It's so distracting.


Well-known member
Lip hair weirds me out too. It ironically makes a pretty makeup picture ugly.

The only thing that disappoints me in FOTD is having only one pic and it is bad quality. I get all like "aw dang"! lol


Well-known member

Me too!

Or when it's one picture and the flashes washes it out to unrecognizable lengths! I mean what's the point if we can't see the makeup?


Well-known member
@ Quote:
Originally Posted by xbeatofangelx
it's vanity.. muahaha! I personally love staring at myself in the mirror.. n_n

That is what it comes boiling down too!


Well-known member
i don't mind... i'm a visual person so i love to see pics.. when they become to excessive, i click out of the post.. like you said: to each it's own.

close ups of lips can be a little weird, but then again you can also see true color.

i know i take pics with my crappy cam, but i'm just hoping that you all see what i see..


Well-known member
Yummy, that's what I do to. Sometimes I feel like I might be missing out on good makeup but I really can't be bothered with scrolling through a million and one pictures.

xbeatofangelx - you're absolutely right but I still don't understand it.


Well-known member
I'm guilty! I did it in my last fotd and didn't even know how silly it was until I posted them. I had taken so many pictures and just rushed through and picked out the ones I liked. They were pretty much all the same
! Sorry guys...

I do like looking at fotd's It gives me more of an idea of how the makeup looks. Everyone has their own style and not everyone post tuts....


Well-known member
If I really really like the make up, I want to see lots of pics. If I dont like it, I'll click "return" after the first one or two photos. So I really dont mind people posting lots of pics.

As long as they tell you from the begining ( "pic heavy" or "lots of pics" in the thread title) so that you know you'll have to deal with lots of loading time, I find it okay.

I think it's far worse and somehow rude to post one single blurry pic and not list ANY of the products you used. If you dont have the time to write the product names down, dont post a FOTD untill you find the time - but maybe thats just me


Well-known member
I typically post 4 pictures per look, two full face, one open eye close up and one closed eye closeup. Once in a blue moon, there'll be a look that I'm just extremely proud of, and I'll photograph it to death and post it, not realizing that there are so many pictures.