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Pomps, pomps, and...quiffs?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hunnybun
ooohhh.... i absolutely love it. big hair is the sexiest.

btw -- what lip stick are you wearing in that first pic (the baby pink one)? i'm really like that look.

Thank you!

That's my natural lip color with vaseline. I miss my big hair! I can't wait until it grows back...

Magic Markers

Well-known member
Aww my hair's not long enough to do this... It's only maybe 2.5 inches? I just use lots of mousse and hairspray to make it puff up


Thanks so much for posting this! I was always envious of people who had the patience to do this with their hair. I never thought it was so bloomin simple!

I do this just about all the time now, and my MOM of all people LOVES it!!


Well-known member
i was trying to do a pomp, the other day. but, i guess it'll work better if i have bobby pins! plus, i never bothered to look at tutorials. i'll come back to this and do a pomp! i really love them. =]


that is amazingly cute, I'll have to keep it in mind for when my hair begins to grow, I got it cut all off last month.


Well-known member
In general, I love big hair. My pomp used to be massive until I trimmed my bangs. No one really gets it.


New member
Great tutorial! Looks awesome on you
Love pomps but I could never get it to look good on me.. will definitely try doing it your way

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