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Is my mac addiction shaped by mac or is it influenced strongly by the internet??????
How much are you influenced by specktra???

Oh I admit it I've always been a product whore, before it was drugstore. Now I've just tuned it up a notch or two. I'm trying to minimize my life though, by buying less clothes and less shampoos and lotions and more makeup. *takes up less space*

Does your makeup addiction shape your clothing shopping habits, no wonder mac artists wear black, it goes with everything and you don't need TONS of clothes right? LOL I think I need to go all black.

I've had an internet addiction since 2000. I teach school for a living so I can shop and buy CDs, go to concerts, barnes and noble and spoil my three kids. I would rather drive a crap car and live in a cheap house rather than disturb disposable income. So what do you scrimp on so you can have makeup? <wink, wink, nudge, nudge> I accidentally got someones bill for their ford F150 *name almost similar I opened it accidentally** and about had a coronary- $560 for a vehicle a month, would make me not shop much at all but for food. LOL!!


Well-known member
Internet has a disgusting influence on my shopping habits; I readily confess.

I go through stages of buying - in high school, it was pretty much all on CDs, then uni - books and CDs, but cut down so I could eat out once in a while. But now, it's largely beauty products. It's good I started getting into it late (after coming back from UK in 2002); last year was hardcore but slowed down heaps this year.

I guess I sacrifice clothing and shoe purchases for that stuff. I also don't go out as much as I used to. However, I've got to be pretty diligent about putting aside cash for my medical bills

I'm not saving as well as I'd like for my musical instrument but get around that by selling things I can bear to be parted with - I don't get to touch my savings, otherwise there would be none! Haha.


Well-known member
i have to agree that the internet has affected my addication, it tends to turn me unto more products to want. and i think alot of people are in the same boat with needing to cut down on things to get makeup, i can easily say i havent got new clothes or jewelry in awhile cause everytime i go to the mall to get them i walk by the mac stand and you know you cant just walk by it and not get anything!


Well-known member
The internet has a big effect on me. MAC isn't advertised much in magazines so the only real access to new collections, etc. is the internet. I try to control myself since I don't have unlimited funds or unlimited space for all the crap I can buy.

I don't scrimp much because there isn't much that I want: books I get from the library, I have Netflix for movies, most new music sucks so I don't want to buy it anyway
- the only stuff I buy is makeup & clothing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
Internet has a disgusting influence on my shopping habits; I readily confess.



Well-known member
Call me odd (and lots of people do!
) but I've been using M·A·C for years and can't say that the internet influences me at all in terms of my buying habits.


Well-known member
My addiction to MAC has a lot to do with the internet since I don't have a MAC here, I rely on the internet to see all of this stuff and order it. However, it also has a lot to do with the fact I'm bipolar and during my manic phase, I shopped myself silly, buying like $1200 (at least) worth of makeup.


New member
I can say that the internet has helped me make better choices.
I don't exchange items as much anymore and I have more knowlege on what I am buying. Since 90% of makeup that I get is from shopping online I find it important to be informed!

Even if I didn't have the internet my shopping habit would be the same but I would probably be unhappy with most of my buys and do many exchanges.


Well-known member
I definitely make more informed purchases because of Specktra and the internet. Before, I would just buy everything that appealed to me. Now I read reviews first and pass on stuff that might suck (lustres anyone?) I admit I can easily be swayed by good reviews and comments though
I have given up my obsession with $300 pairs of jeans for makeup. I honestly don't know which was worse.


New member
i would def blame all u guys for my insane spending habit!!! lol. i bought makeup before, but never as much as i do now. since i joined specktra my collection has grown to like three times its original size!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it
I can say that the internet has helped me make better choices.
I don't exchange items as much anymore and I have more knowlege on what I am buying. Since 90% of makeup that I get is from shopping online I find it important to be informed!

Even if I didn't have the internet my shopping habit would be the same but I would probably be unhappy with most of my buys and do many exchanges.

That is a good point that I didnt think about...I do make much more informed choices when shopping. I can research the heck out a product now before I buy it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by deathcabber
That is a good point that I didnt think about...I do make much more informed choices when shopping. I can research the heck out a product now before I buy it!

True for me too. As much as I have, I in fact rarely buy things I end up hating because of the reviews available.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
i would def blame all u guys for my insane spending habit!!! lol. i bought makeup before, but never as much as i do now. since i joined specktra my collection has grown to like three times its original size!

Oh mine is huge compared to what it was this time last year. My first online order was sumptuous olive and soba and it was love after that. My online shopping began last december on Ebay. Then I found the aol makeup board- then from there sephora.com -specktra and maccosmetics.com.... now I've moved back "home" where I can actually go buy products. I have cut back on a lot of other things I like to spend on- especially since I gave up a house with a basement. So far mac, urban decay, and philosophy products are my winners. I love the quality difference, I've always had quantity from walmart- but mac beats maybelline.

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