Poor Katie Holmes..


Well-known member
I missed out on the lip sores thing, my hubby told me he saw it on tv and it was awful. I'm so happy I have normal feet, you know 6 toes on each foot..............kidding


Well-known member
poor Katie...OK she should get a pedicure but all of those paparazzi and yellow press people who chase her down just because she dates Tom Cruise are crazy...
They just sit in their offices, play around with their Photoshop and think "OK who will be our next victim? Jennifer Aniston? OK she dates Vince Vaughn! Lets find one of his kids who doesn't get any alimony from him!"


Well-known member
Ok, I can see it now!!

Originally Posted by orodwen
is she scrunching her toes up so they won't hang off the tips of her sandals?

That's what it looks like to me.