Porcelain Beauties: I don't comprehend how pale I am


Well-known member
Am I the only pale girl who looks at herself in the mirror and looks at her arms/hands IRL and thinks they look peachy or dark, and then sees a natural light photo of themself and realizes how pale they are?

My family are all tanned and we took a family photo in daylight, both direct and indirect... it made me realize how light I really am.

I don't know, when I look in the mirror, I don't "see" it.


Well-known member
Totally been there. I know I'm fair, but I don't realize how "white" I am until the light hits the underside of my arm, or I'm photographing myself and my face turns super-light.


Well-known member
The lighting we use indoors tends to have a low colour temprature, meaning the light is yellowish coloured. This yellow light will effect the way everything looks, especially the colour of your pale pale skin.


Well-known member
I totally agree! just when i start to think im getting a little bit of color about myself i will stand next to someone with a half decent tan and be totally shattered by how pale i really am! lol


Well-known member
I'm like that! I totally seem to think that I am tanner than I really am. It usually strikes me when I look at my tube of foundation, it is so pasty pale!


Well-known member
me too, for some reason i think that i'm getting darker but when i stand back and look around i'm extremely pale... i'm so pale that theres basically no foundation light enough for me. but i think its because i use warm tone blushes that make me look bronzey/tanned and i'm not used to it. lol.


Well-known member
Me with a tan over summer is equivalent to a normal person in the depths of winter! I forget too, and was feeling pretty tanned this summer until I looked at my boyfriend! Whoops
Do you guys notice though, that when you use your camera with the flash on, our pale skin looks that much more flawless? This happens to me quite often when I take self portraits. I love it because I always think when I'm having an 'ugly day' that people won't remember how gross I feel I look on that day, they'll see pictures of me and my skin will look lovely and they'll remember me that way


Well-known member
Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
Yes, I'm the same. I don't feel like I'm Casper the ghost, until I put my arm next to my boyfriend's.

hahahaha, i love the little dancing ghost. when i went to sephora to try out the temptu airbrush i didnt think i was extremely pale, i step aside and stood next to the mua and i was like WOW! i look like a white sheet of paper lol.


Well-known member
I'm so pale that it'd be hard for me to see myself as darker than I am, haha. But I am unnaturally pale. My family is all pretty light but I'm the palest and everyone makes fun of me,LOL. Almost every foundation I try is way to light for me. Oh well,lol


Well-known member
If any of you are mineral makeup users (or open to the possibility), Meow Cosmetics makes some very light shades for all kinds of different undertones. I actually use the second lightest shade of my color, which is sort of a new thing for me.


I'm pretty pale for the average person in my country (Italy)... for example, the lightest ColorStay shade they sell it's 180 whereas 110 is too pink for me although it's about the right degree of fairness

I think I don't feel as pale as I am because my mom is, er paler

Even my cousin (dark blonde with blue eyes) gets tanned - I only get a light yellowish shade, as if I had put on the wrong foundation