Porcelain Beauties: New threads just for us!


Well-known member
I'm Gemma, i'm naturally a redhead although i'm currently growing out brown dye because I miss my red hair, I have blue eyes & freckles. I love having pale skin & I use loreal infallable in porcelain which is a perfect match for my skin. I don't use MAC foundation but i'd love to and I'm not sure what shade i'd be, I know either NC15 or NW15 (which is lighter?). If anyone wants to either look at my avatar or go on my profile & look at my photo & take a guess at what shade I'd be I'd be very greatful!


Add another ghostgirl to the list...

I use NC15, but unless I've been getting a lot of sun it sometimes feels like I'm going for the footballer's girlfriend orange effect. It's slightly closer to the colour of my freckles than the colour of the skin beneath. I managed to get an almost perfectly toned foundation from prescriptives, using their colorprint range which goes several shades lighter than MAC, but the texture is horrid and sucks all the moisture out of my face if my skin is already on the dull/tired side.

Add that to almost black hair, and you'll see why I was a natural goth when I was a teenager. But that's *ancient* history...


Well-known member
yay, porcelain beauty is the best!
thanks to sunscreen i'm one of the pale 'Floridians' ( not from here) & without skin cancer and wrinkles! so yay, we do need a porcelain beauty section & one just for skin health & sun screen!!!
i love MAC but their sunscreens suck! sorry, the new primer is the best !


New member
Originally Posted by asphyxiad0ll
d0lly here.. and I too am part of the Porcelain Princesses. I'm a poor college student, so I haven't been able to afford it to try out MAC foundation yet, but I'm a W2 in L'Oreal True Match. In the summer, if I'm lucky, I get to a W3. My legs pretty much refuse to tan, burn, or anything else, however.

I always have people matching their skin up to mine to make themselves feel more tan, and I've been teased for being pale in my earlier days, but.. blah on those people. We'll be the ones without skin cancer, right?

Also, food for though: In the olden days, being tanned was a sign that you worked hard in the fields and were "lower class". The rich people sat around in their castles all day and never got sun on their skin, so pale skin was a sign of beauty and wealth. What's that say about us?

Well pointed out
It's interesting how the semiotics of tanning have reversed..Now a tan signals wealth in that tanned people can afford to sit and sun themselves all day/go on nice holidays to exotic places while the pale people slave away indoors all day (the 'office tan' eh?!).

As a NC15, I find that people can be pretty offensive about my paleness...I mean, I've actually been likened to Michael Jackson. I was truly horrified about that one! I like being pale and embracing my Celtic heritage (I have mostly Irish ancestry and I play it up by wearing lots of green and Celtic earrings lol) but with the overwhelming influence of the tan and the way women are expected to conform to 'FHM' styles of skintone, it's kinda difficult at times


Well-known member
Hello! I'm Glitternmyviens and I'm an NW15! Blonde hair green eyes and would love to find a foundation that suits me! I've found these mac products work well with my complexion me: hue lipstick, belightfull highlighting powder, foxy lady liner and aqua liquidlast liner! My icon is Gwen Stefanie! I would love to be able to pull off pale blond hair and red lipstick! I've been umming and ahhing about getting a lip piercing and tattoo but can't decide where/what! My favorite can't live without make up item is mascara and my favorite can't live without mac product is Engraved Powerpoint

I'm very excited to hear more on this thread and think it was a FAB idea



Well-known member
NW 20 here... but only for the summer!! Pale out to an NW 15 the rest of the year here in the Midwest USA

Glad to know I am in the same "casper"/light reflecting boat as the rest of you! Do any of you ever get as excited as I do when I can purchase say, a Medium Dark blot powder in the summers?! LOL


Well-known member
I'm so happy to have stumbled across this! I am VERY pale, but I actually don't use foundation. I don't get to go makeup shopping that often, and when I do, I make a bee-line to the eyeshadow. Foundation is the farthest thing from my mind. I just don't want to cover up my freckles! I DO have to use base on my eyelids to cover up the veins though. They're VERY annoying.
I don't like spending too much time in the sun. Going on a short walk will get me a pink face.
I have light brown hair, hazel eyes, and little freckles on my nose and cheeks. I LOVE MY LIGHT SKIN!!!


Well-known member
Hi guys! I'm Mary, a Porcelain Beauty coming from the Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, Arizona!
I have light blonde hair and blue eyes, and a NW20! I love my fair skin with pink undertones. I burn very easily in the sun, and I'm proud of the freckles that sprinkle over my face in the summer! Yay porcelain beauties!

Magic Markers

Well-known member
I've never tried any MAC foundations... But in all of the others that I've tried I'm always shade "1"

I have eh medium blonde hair and yellow-brown eyes. My friends tell me that I'm as white as a ghost, or not to stand too close to a white wall or they'll lose me.

I do love my pale skin though. Mostly because I don't so much have a choice. I got burnt at a school pep rally that was outside... And only about 15 minutes long.

The sun was in my eyes really badly here, so excuse the awful facial expression. But this is a good representation of the reflective properties of my skin.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Magic Markers
I've never tried any MAC foundations... But in all of the others that I've tried I'm always shade "1"

I have eh medium blonde hair and yellow-brown eyes. My friends tell me that I'm as white as a ghost, or not to stand too close to a white wall or they'll lose me.

I do love my pale skin though. Mostly because I don't so much have a choice. I got burnt at a school pep rally that was outside... And only about 15 minutes long.

The sun was in my eyes really badly here, so excuse the awful facial expression. But this is a good representation of the reflective properties of my skin.


I think your skin is lovely, you have a flawless and creamy complexion.

Magic Markers

Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
I think your skin is lovely, you have a flawless and creamy complexion.

Thanks so much

My father has pretty dark skin, and he tans really well, but I take after my mother's side of the family.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Magic Markers
I've never tried any MAC foundations... But in all of the others that I've tried I'm always shade "1"

I have eh medium blonde hair and yellow-brown eyes. My friends tell me that I'm as white as a ghost, or not to stand too close to a white wall or they'll lose me.

I do love my pale skin though. Mostly because I don't so much have a choice. I got burnt at a school pep rally that was outside... And only about 15 minutes long.

The sun was in my eyes really badly here, so excuse the awful facial expression. But this is a good representation of the reflective properties of my skin.


You have an ethereal quality, and have luminous skin, it's very pretty


Well-known member
i'm amelia, i'm an nc15 studio fix fluid with dyed black hair and green eyes. i like being pale, i think it suits me and pale skin and black hair allows me to pull off bright colors better, imo, haha.

Magic Markers

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lissa
You have an ethereal quality, and have luminous skin, it's very pretty

Aw, thank you so much. That was so sweet of you.


Active member
You can add me to the list as well. I use Prescriptives in Fresh Camellia and Clarins Truly Matte foundation in Pale Ivory.


Well-known member
I'm SnowWhiteQueen, more commonly known as Megan!!!
I am a MAC N3, which only comes in the studio fix powder, so I have to sparingly use a little bit of NW15 Studio fix fluid underneath, but not too much or else it is too dark!!!!
My favorite products for pale skin are smashbox's fusion softlights...not too much colour and beautiful!!! I use prism (a baby pink) and my sister says I look like a doll when I wear it. So nice!!!
I used to want to be more tan too, but I see what tanning does to women's skin and I'm just sooooo turned off by it. I avoid the sun at all costs. I want to be a pale girl forever!!!


Well-known member
Labas, I'm BloodMittens.

East Baltic Slavic Desent, AKA I'm Russian and Lithuanian, Natural Auburn Hair, hazel eyes. I'm NC15... in the summer. My cousins, father, mother, brother, sister all have beige skin. NOT ME! Lol, I use the mineralize skinfinish coverage because it's light enough on my skin but also nice enough to pull some colors out of my light skin. I can't use Studio Fix or anything because it makes me break out D:

Horror Story: I used to mix Goth White Powder with my foundation to get a desired color in high school because I didn't have a choice, nothing was pale enough for my skin, and I literally tried every drugstore brand (I used to really go for drugstore brands back then) and it really stunk.

But now I've come to love my pale skin, I don't care what anyone says, I used to have a girl at my work call me "whitey cakes!" Until I reminded her of her orange fake tan... gross.

I'm glad I'm not the only one here who likes their natural skin color. I've seen so many girls get fake tans in the continuation to try and be more like one another... and look orangey.

Las Vegas... I couldn't even tan D:


Well-known member
I'm pigmentationally challenged as well, ladies!
Good to meet all of you. Right now I'm using an Almay foundation in the palest color they have, which matches my face perfectly, but not my neck for some reason! My face is naturally much pinker than my neck, so I gotta start matching my neck or something! So... time for a switch, I guess.



Well-known member
It's great to see this forum! So many people act like having fair skin is such a bad thing ("oh my god you're SO PALE, you need to go tanning!"), but I've always loved my skin.

I don't use MAC foundation, but if I did, I'd probably be around an NC20. Since I'm Italian I do have warm olive undertones to my skin, though it is still quite fair. I am a sunscreen NUT - I apply spf to my face every day, even if I'm not going to be outside much. And when I am going to be outside, SPF 50.

Like many of you, my friends make fun of me for being so pale. But I love my fair skin. Since I have warmer undertones I can actually tan if I want to (without burning), but I prefer to protect my skin and stay pale. Hey, we'll have the last laugh when all of our tanning bed zombie friends look 50 at the age of 35!