This is a really interesting subject. I was asked to model for a very well known photographer in San Diego earlier this year. His work is beautiful
but it contains a lot of insinuated nudity (as in nude but covering with hands, hair, etc.) and some topless shots and bum shots.
I actually said no based on the fact that I didn't want to be grouped in with the shots that are in my taste, more about nudity than art. I would have been fully clothed but I just didn't want to be part of a project that contained some of the work that it did. I think there is such a thing as artistic photos that are nude but there is a clear difference between that and "here are some boobies." Not my style and I don't want to be precieved that way, especially for the sake of my boyfriend and Mom and stuff. I wouldn't want it to be like "oh yea Bernadette is on that website with all the naked chicks." type of thing.
Anyway.... as far as what your'e talking about, most of the pin-up photography I see isnt' nude, there is a lot of lingerie but not much nudity. When you decide to cross that line and take nude pictures, you can never go back. It is something that can effect you for the rest of your life. It's amazing how many people could potentially see something like that, especially with the internet. With photographs it's too easy for them to fall into the wrong hands and be mis-used. People can basically represent you however they choose.
A friend of a friend took pictures with a photog that she knew and trusted (she wasn't nude) and the picture was later found on a greeting for a porn site. It was stolen off of the photog's website. You don't want someone stumbling across something like that and just assuming the rest of the site contains more of you,
a lot more of you!
As for the other subjects of porn stars and such, I don't have the energy to get into that right now