Possibly the worst fakes yet seen?


Well-known member
You may of course know different but I came across these today. The box says "Juicy Tubes" on it but claims to be M·A·C. I love the fact that "NEW" is printed on the tubes and that there are Chanel versions too.



Well-known member
So far these haven't made it out of Thailand as far as I can tell. They're being sold by an online retailer there but aren't on eBay. Let's hope it stays that way!


Well-known member
eww! those are terrible!


Well-known member
Those are so fake that they made me laugh out loud! I agree that I feel so sorry for people who buy those. Not to mention that if the packaging is so bad that think of what the quality of the product is! Ewww gross!


Well-known member
Good point! Who knows if those are even lip safe. Obviously the person is unscrupulous enough to sell fakes. Do you think they are suddently going to grow a conscience and be concerned about our safety? I will go with probably not on that one. God those are awful!!!! My fave is the "New" across the tube. So pathetic!


Well-known member
I've visited some countries that have fakes sold out in the open in marketplaces, and the conditions that they have stuff like this lying out in the open is very unsanitary. Most likely these glosses are sold lying on some sheet on the ground, in the direct sunlight, with DVD fakes of movies that are still being shown in the theaters and fake designer bags. I don't even want to think about what is being used as ingredients for those glosses... yuck. This problem of fakes is getting so big...


Well-known member
HA! Those Chanel ones actually made me laugh out loud. Sadly, someone will probably buy MAC ones that look like that thinking they are the new Couture glosses (and end up with lips covered in nuclear waste, most likely).


Well-known member
Here's another set of bad fakes for your entertainment

Some of these have been posted on Specktra before but here they are all in one place.

When the gallery upload problem is fixed I'll post even more there in a proper counterfeit gallery.
