Powerplum liquidlast on pale skin


I've been thinking about getting this for a while, but I'm not sure whether I can get away with the colour or not. I love the look of the colour in the bottle from some of the pictures I've seen, but others make it look a little brown. I'm very pale with brown hair/eyes, and I tried the nearest plum e/s I had as a liner, and it looked like the skin around my eyes was red
- not really what I was after, but I was hoping the liquidlast would maybe be metallic enough to avoid that.

Has anyone else tried this- or have any swatch pictures that give a good likeness to the colour? I have been through the gallery, but the more pictures I see, the more totally different impressions I have of the colour.


Well-known member
The best way to test it out? Go to the store and have them try it on you. Also- macroviolet fluidline is a great dark purple. Its not "plum" persay, and its not ridiculously dark. Its a nice rich color. You may try that if the LLL doesn't work for you.


Sorry, I should have said, I'm 100+ miles from the nearest Mac counter (terrible), so I can only buy online. But thanks for the reply.