Preg. Test Invalid?


Well-known member
I have been on birth control CONSISTENTLY for about 6-7 months now. I have never missed or skipped a pill.
Before I got on the pill (Yaz), I had VERY inconsistent periods. I would have one, then not have one for three months, then have one again. Worried the crap out of me. I have had NO problems since I got on Yaz, but this past month, I missed a period.
I have had like 2 periods since the last time I even had sex. So wtf? I know stress can be a big part of it, but it just worries me after having consistent, regular periods, then BAM.

I bought a preg. test JUST to make sure, the result was the MINUS (negative) symbol but it wasn't as dark as I wanted it to be. There is no sign at all of a second line, but I just wanted DEFINITE results.

I know I need to go to the doctor, I am HOPING it starts soon. I am supposed to start next week. So right now I am going on a month late.

Just wanted some input on if I should be worried. I mean, I am pretty damn smart about my BC (I know it's never 100% though), he never... -ahems- inside me, plus we used protection. I haven't had any morning sickness, nausea, etc. So there is just no way I'm preggo, right? I know you guys aren't doctors, but I need someone to ease my worry. <3 thanks, lovelies.


Well-known member
I'm kind of having somewhat of a similiar situation as you, with worrying about the effectiveness of your bc.

The only thing I could recommend is waiting a few more days IF you can and then taking another pregnancy test. But if you really want results soon you can try seeing if your doctor can order a pregnancy test done with blood instead of urine. This can give you results MUCH MUCH sooner. If they can't fit you in their schedule asap, try calling a Planned Parenthood and asking about any walk in days they are having. And just go from there.

I hope everything works out in your favor!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I'm kind of having somewhat of a similiar situation as you, with worrying about the effectiveness of your bc.

The only thing I could recommend is waiting a few more days IF you can and then taking another pregnancy test. But if you really want results soon you can try seeing if your doctor can order a pregnancy test done with blood instead of urine. This can give you results MUCH MUCH sooner. If they can't fit you in their schedule asap, try calling a Planned Parenthood and asking about any walk in days they are having. And just go from there.

I hope everything works out in your favor!

God, I hate going to the doctor. I just hope I start when I am supposed to in the next week or two. If not, then I will go.

My BF and I are NOT. NOT. NOT ready for children. Hence why we are careful and "responsible", in my opinion, but using protection and BC. PLUS we hardly ever do it (we have been together three years. hahah). Seriously, I would just DIE if I were pregnant. I just....WOW I cant even imagine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ImMACnificent
God, I hate going to the doctor. I just hope I start when I am supposed to in the next week or two. If not, then I will go.

My BF and I are NOT. NOT. NOT ready for children. Hence why we are careful and "responsible", in my opinion, but using protection and BC. PLUS we hardly ever do it (we have been together three years. hahah). Seriously, I would just DIE if I were pregnant. I just....WOW I cant even imagine.

I don't like doctors either, nor do I like having any kind of needle work done to me either. But it might just be worth it if it's really stressing you out. Plus remember if your period is just late and there's nothing wrong, the stress might be making it even later.

How about trying tomorrow morning (it's the best time to take pregnancy tests) again with the home pregnancy test?

I totally get what you mean on not being ready for kids.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I don't like doctors either, nor do I like having any kind of needle work done to me either. But it might just be worth it if it's really stressing you out. Plus remember if your period is just late and there's nothing wrong, the stress might be making it even later.

How about trying tomorrow morning (it's the best time to take pregnancy tests) again with the home pregnancy test?

I totally get what you mean on not being ready for kids.

Ya I dont want to spend another 10 freaking + dollars on a test. I was already annoyed to take one in the first place. I really just DONT think Im pregnant. I go through this all the time with my damn inconsistent periods I have been scared so many times. I thought the issue was over when I got back on BC. =( Stupid hormones, stupid uterus, stupid womanhood!


Well-known member
Take another pregnancy test, a different brand. If you are a month late already I don't think you need to wait a few days.

I really doubt you are preggo because you are already prone to inconsistent periods, it is a tad weird that that the BC lost its effectiveness though.

PLUS you have had 2 periods since you last had sex. I really doubt it. You might need to go on a different BC though, something stronger.

I went on Tricyclin ( I might have misspelled that) for the same reason, inconsistent periods. I've had no problems since.

Either way, you'll need to see the doc, to get a new prescription. Which does suck, doctors offices are the new hell.

Hope things work out for you


Well-known member
I have verryyy irregular periods on bc, although I'm not taking Yaz. I think I'm on Ortho Tri-Cyclen. But anyways, I have gone months w/o a period, then months where I get some weird brown spotting but not real blood, eww huh. But yea, if you have had 2 periods since the last time you had sex, then you're likely not pregnant (although pregnant ladies can experience period-like bleeding I think). But yea, it sounds like you are very careful, so don't worry yourself too much. I know how it feels, I've made myself physically ill from worrying about a late period in the past- not fun.


Well-known member
moo- I was on Tricyclin for years as a teen! It really helped.

I got on Yaz just because it was suggested by my doctor. It's so weird that after this many months it would do this. I am hoping it is just a fluke and maybe my hormones are out of whack for a minute or maybe just stress, but I really haven't been stressed lately!

The other thing is I got on Lexapro about....going on 2 months ago. I am hoping that isn't affecting anything. I have looked online, haven't found anything about that having any affect on periods.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
I have verryyy irregular periods on bc, although I'm not taking Yaz. I think I'm on Ortho Tri-Cyclen. But anyways, I have gone months w/o a period, then months where I get some weird brown spotting but not real blood, eww huh. But yea, if you have had 2 periods since the last time you had sex, then you're likely not pregnant (although pregnant ladies can experience period-like bleeding I think). But yea, it sounds like you are very careful, so don't worry yourself too much. I know how it feels, I've made myself physically ill from worrying about a late period in the past- not fun.

I know, irregular periods are the worst thing to experience. The damn worrying! I have probably spent 100 bucks on pregnancy tests (even when I knew theyd be negative) just to ease my worry in the past.

I might have to get back on Ortho if Yaz is being a jerk.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ImMACnificent
moo- I was on Tricyclin for years as a teen! It really helped.

I got on Yaz just because it was suggested by my doctor. It's so weird that after this many months it would do this. I am hoping it is just a fluke and maybe my hormones are out of whack for a minute or maybe just stress, but I really haven't been stressed lately!

The other thing is I got on Lexapro about....going on 2 months ago. I am hoping that isn't affecting anything. I have looked online, haven't found anything about that having any affect on periods.

That Lexapro might be the culprit. I mean meds are gonna interact with each other and change each other's effectiveness whether it's stated or not. Its bound to happen. And seeing as you started taking it 2 months ago, and your period is a month late... It prob took a month for the Lexapro to really become effective.

Doctors suck big time, but you gotta go. Maybe he/she'll adjust the dosages so it doesn't disrupt your life so much. Worrying about late periods is an unnecessary stress in life. Seriously, we have enough stress as is, throwing this into the mix is absolute torture.

Everything will work out. I have a good feeling


Well-known member
I wish you luck sweetie...and hopefully it will be negative and you just need an adjustment on the BC....

I had three DS pregnancy test 2 said negative ...1 was in the middle with no response.....Doctors urine test said negative...still not feeling well after after 3 months...Blood test said PREGNANT...His name is Christian by the way!

Oh I forgot....I was on the pill to regulate my cycle..had been for about 6 years......AND my tubes were tied!! Guess God meant for Christian to be here!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
That scares the crap outta me, TISH!!!

HELLO!!! I cried for
two weeks straight and could not get out bed.....But I was happy around about Prego Month 6


Well-known member
You most likely aren't pregnant, but it's always good to check again just to be on the safe side. Like moopoint said, try a different brand. Every body is different- I like First Responce (it's what I've always used) and my friend swears by Dollar Store pregnancy tests!

I would usually say to take a urine test of another brand and just wait another month or two before you get a blood test, but since you are on the pill that must change something. I definitely suggest you go to your doctor or even Planned Parenthood and get a blood test.

But a missed period doesn't ALWAYS equal pregnacy. Like you said, stress can be a huge part of it. Lack of certain vitamins and signifigant weight loss or weight lost too fast can also make a period disappear.

Good luck!

And Tish, that is a really interesting story. I guess he really was meant to be here
I find the story very touching, is that strange?


Well-known member
My God Tish!!! Were you gertting periods that 3 months?? That scared me so much, we had an "accident" with my bf wit a broken rubber, I took a pill, got 2 periods since that day and 3 tests said negative but fuck Im really scared now again!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
My God Tish!!! Were you gertting periods that 3 months?? That scared me so much, we had an "accident" with my bf wit a broken rubber, I took a pill, got 2 periods since that day and 3 tests said negative but fuck Im really scared now again!

Yes I was...However they were very very light.....But my doctors both agree my case was hella my body was just weird....Don't be scared I am sure you are okay...


Well-known member
By a pregnancy test that says either pregnant or not pregnant, so you don't have to wonder about the little faint lines. Also, I'm like 99% sure you can have a false negative but not a false positive on home tests.
And WOW Tish! That is amazing! He really was meant to be in your life!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenntoz
By a pregnancy test that says either pregnant or not pregnant, so you don't have to wonder about the little faint lines. Also, I'm like 99% sure you can have a false negative but not a false positive on home tests.
And WOW Tish! That is amazing! He really was meant to be in your life!

Yeah I bought one of gave no response on one and Not Pregnant on the other which I took to mean negative ...I think the best test is Urine and Blood at the Drs office in some cases....