Pregnancy Update!


Well-known member
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]I had my 39 week OB appointment today. Dr. said I'm another cm dilated, so that's 2 cm! My cervix is also definitely thinning out. The exam didn't hurt quite as much as last time, thank goodness! Looks like Mr. Riley wants to ride this thing out, huh? I'm still wanting to go for VBAC & don't really want a c-section unless it becomes medically necessary. Right now the dr. says that I'm progressing well.

He said the baby could come at any time. If between 40 & 41 weeks, [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif](19th - 26th of Feb.)[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif], there's no baby & I want to try speeding things alone, I can have him break my water to get labor going. So, that's exciting news & I'm so glad I'm making progress here. Other than that, he said everything looks good & normal. Yehaw!




Well-known member
Glad to hear all is going well...congrats and keep us posted! Can't wait to see your new little bundle of joy!


Well-known member
you look so beautiful. hope everything goes well and look forward to pics when he's out


Well-known member
Congratulations!!!! I have to say, you look AMAZING. I was a bloated hot mess. lol What a beautiful mommy-to-be! I wish you an easy labor *HUGS*


Well-known member
sounds like a great appt!
you look beautiful mama!

(i posted in your vbac thread.
my dd2 was born at 40 wks 3 days
ds was born at 41 wks 3 days
i'd be happy to pm you their birthstories if you want


Well-known member
CONGRATS fellow mommy to be!!! I'm happy to hear that everything is going well with your pregnancy. You're little one is almost here and I'm so excited for you!

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