Premature Greying?


Well-known member
I'm only 18 right now and have TONS of grey hairs. It's so frustrating because I noticed my first greys when I was only like 12?!

I'll notice some strands that have blackish brown ends with the roots starting to grey. While some others have grey ends and then it starts growing back in my natural color again. Wtf?

I'm not sure if its genetics as my cousin started having the same problem early on too. Or a vitamin deficiency, I read somewhere that vitamin B deficiencies can cause premature greying too. Or is it just plain old stress?

I haven't colored my hair to cover them up since the beginning of the last school year and last night I just realized how fed up I was with this. Anyone have any good suggestions for any hair coloring products that are good at covering grey yet are gentle on the hair?


Well-known member
it's really a myth that stress or being frightened causes grey hair, it is definitely genetic - just like balding is genetic. I knew three brothers in high school that all had receding hair lines when they were just sophomores....if it were me I'd just get my dye on!


Well-known member
There was a show on a while back that was discussing if it was a myth or not but I missed it so just assumed all along it was just stress lol. Wonder where they got the myth from then out of curiousity?

Since it is most likely from genetics, I wonder when my whole head will turn grey =[

Yeah I seriously have to dye it asap I can't even bare to look at it in the mirror haha.


Well-known member
ah my brother has that too. We all have like super dark hair too so its like HELLO grey! Try clairol natural instincts. It'll dye the grey but not really change the rest & its ammonia free.


Well-known member
I've had "clear" hair since I was 16, and it's only gotten worse as I age. Dye resistant too, on the crown of my head and no where else (so far)

I dye my roots etc but it fades much more quickly. Sucks


Well-known member
Whats your natural color? Hopefully its not too too dark where it can be that noticeable.

I have black hair so each little frickin blonde/grey/white whatever it is sticks out so badly. And people always have to point it out to me like i don't know already lol.

I went out today and about some of that Clairol Natural Instincts hair dye btw, xsnowwhite. I hope it works out good, thanks for the suggestion!


Well-known member
Good luck, 4bidden! I've noticed random greys myself from the age of 16 or so! It's surprising the first time you find them, isn't it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Whats your natural color? Hopefully its not too too dark where it can be that noticeable.

I have black hair so each little frickin blonde/grey/white whatever it is sticks out so badly. And people always have to point it out to me like i don't know already lol.

I went out today and about some of that Clairol Natural Instincts hair dye btw, xsnowwhite. I hope it works out good, thanks for the suggestion!

good! I hope you like it, that has always been my favorite dye! let me know how it turns out.


Well-known member
Septemba: I can still remember being in class in 7th grade when the boy in front of me just out of nowhere tells me, "you have a grey hair right there" and points to some random area on my head. First i'm just like wtf? okay....? but my best friend who was sitting behind me or next to me pointed it out too! Yeah not a fun surprise lol.

xsnowwhite: I can't wait to dye my hair but I can't til after tuesday at least, theres an old chinese custom that during special holidays especially Chinese new year your not really allowed to do anything with your hair for it can cause bad luck lol. But I will def give you an update of my grey free hair!


Active member
I feel your pain!
I started going gray at 15 and now at 32 I'm pretty much white all around my crown area and gray everywhere else. Funny thing is that I've noticed over the last year or so that the texture of my hair is different too. I used to wear my hair parted to the side, but now bc of the texture it just wont do anything but part down the middle. So weird.
Anyhoo, I color my gray but it is a constant battle that both me and my hairdresser fight all the time.
Maybe when I'm 40 I'll try going natural.
Good luck with your hair coloring!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Whats your natural color? Hopefully its not too too dark where it can be that noticeable.

I have black hair so each little frickin blonde/grey/white whatever it is sticks out so badly. And people always have to point it out to me like i don't know already lol.

I went out today and about some of that Clairol Natural Instincts hair dye btw, xsnowwhite. I hope it works out good, thanks for the suggestion!

My hair is a fairly mousy darker brown so it really stands out when the dye starts to fade. Clairol also makes a dye for greys that includes a texturizing gel you put on before the dye, that worked GREAT.


Well-known member
My hair is a darkish brown color naturally. I started dying it black in June 08.

I noticed a couple greys when I was 15, 16.

Ive been getting more and more. Its not a percentage yet, like I dont have 30% grays or anything, but it is so frustrating. Because im 19, and you can see grays on my hairline, peeking up top, like when I wear headbands, the gray will be sticking straight up. Sometimes itll be a full black strand with a gray/white root, sometimes itll be inch long grays everywhere.

I suggest you dye it. I dont think theres anything else you can do. You could get simple glosses just to maintain ur natural color while covering ur grays temporarily. Plus it would make ur hair super shiny.


I'm in the same pickle - I actually like the gray but it does make you look way older and often washed out, at least until it starts to resemble something white, which mine is resisting like hell.

I want a colour that won't stain the gray so badly that I get stuck doing it forever - any suggestions, or is that Clairol pretty good that way.

My hair is long so it's a lot of upkeep ;~)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gabriele
I'm in the same pickle - I actually like the gray but it does make you look way older and often washed out, at least until it starts to resemble something white, which mine is resisting like hell.

I want a colour that won't stain the gray so badly that I get stuck doing it forever - any suggestions, or is that Clairol pretty good that way.

My hair is long so it's a lot of upkeep ;~)

If you want to keep your gray silver and not yellow how bout a purple toner like blondes use to take the brassiness out? How much of your hair is grey and how much is colored? Even though it's fairly old lady, what about a fanciful rinse? My grandma did it for years to keep a bit of dark in her white hair.


Well-known member
I know how you feel, I have been dying my hair since i was 17. Was at the hairdressers the other day and a lady who has been friend of the family was shocked to know that I colour my hair. Must be choosing a really good match for my natural hair colour, lol.

Don't know when I will stop colouring my hair but at 26 there is no way i am allowing myself to go a la naturale.


Well-known member
my sister is turning 15 and shes had her grays since middle school. its always bothered me and wondered why it happened to her because my bro and i dont have any. shes so young, and i always keep an eye out for any hint of a touch-up in need. she had wavy hair and when we went to get her hair japanese straightened, her grays came to look like gray highlights. urgh...

so im just wondering if everyone here agrees its genetic?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloopBloop

so im just wondering if everyone here agrees its genetic?

Yeah, I think so. Everyone on my mom's side turned grey early, I've had grey since my early thirties, now I'm 46yo, all grey, but I color my hair, very bright red. It actually picks up the color really well and it looks highlighted because of the grey. My 17yo son has a patch of grey on the back of his head since he was 13yo.

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