Prep & Prime Skin


Well-known member
What does this product do? I am looking for something that will even out my skin's texture, to make it smooth instead of bumpy LOL.
Is that what this is for? If not, can you recommend something that I can use for that purpose?

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
While Prep+Prime does make the skin silkier, softer, and over-all a more even-toned complexion, I don't think that it takes away bumps. It is used for a pre-foundation product, and makes a very soft canvas out of your skin, perfect for applying foundation. It reduces redness, and adds to a natural, fresh glow.

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
It is a really great product, but to really get rid of imperfections within your skin, develop a great skincare regimen. Try exfoliating two-three times a week, Cleansers and Masks can also improve the conditions of skin. I recommend Clinigue's products, but for Drugstore Brands; I find that Biore and Neutragena work best.


Well-known member
I am using Estee Lauder's products and they work really well until....I'm PMSing. Plus most of my skin imperfections are from very old acne that left scars and I guess there is not much I can do for them. That's why I was looking for something that would fill them out.