Prescriptives/Laura Mercier foundation dilemma: are cosmetics on ebay real?


New member
Hello! Newbie here so gonna ask some what may seem embarrassingly stupid questions.

I'm nearly right at the end of my foundation and have been to the Prescriptives counter to try some of their foundation as I've read up that it's quite good. Was reasonably impressed with the result although much less than impressed with the price tag.
Hence, I turned to the trusty old World Wide Web. Whilst I couldn't find many cosmetics websites (such as that sold the Prescriptives foundation that I wanted in my colour, I did find a few sellers on Ebay. However, before getting trigger happy with my mouse, I just wanted to make sure I was spending my money right.

Are the cosmetics on Ebay sold really real? I know lots of people who sell fake designer bags etc on Ebay and get away with it and they manage to dupe many unsuspecting customers into paying hundreds of pounds to them for fake goods...and none of them suspect a thing. Admittedly, they are very good fakes and the import price is pretty high to begin with!
Anyways, the result is that they have good user ratings. But, this doesn't deter from the fact that they are still selling fakes. How do the sellers on ebay manage to sell their cosmetics for a fraction of the price in shops? Are they really the real thing? Just because they have good user ratings, does that mean they are selling genuine products? And how many good user ratings is enough to trust them?

I have also heard that Laura Mercier foundations are very good. However, there are no shops around me that sell Laura Mercier so I don't know my colour. On the net however, there are many well-known, trustworthy websites that sell Laura Mercier foundation at cheaper-than-shop prices.

Would you suggest I risk it and buy Laura Mercier foundation from a reputable website and guess my colour or would you suggest I buy Prescriptives off Ebay?


I hope this isn't too long for a thread! All comments and suggestions will be met with heartfelt gratitude!

MAC is love

Well-known member
Whenever you buy something off a website like e-bay, you will always risk the chance of getting screwed over no matther how many great rating that user may have. If you wanna go ahead & try it, then do so. Who knows, it could end up being real & everything, but then again, it might not.