Pro pans & Pallette or individual e/s


Finally want to take the dive and get some e/s rather than pigments....totally confused!!

Okay I am having a bit of battle as to wether to either do Mail order to get pro palette and pans (relying on online pics etc) or to just buy inidividual going to get a bit mad/unorganised at any quantity..

the 15 pan is 9.97 ..then the pans 7.60 or there will take me about a year to fill this pan

really not sure wether to make the investment in the pro palette or just buy individual eyeshadows...

Any advice from more experienced mac lovers would be appriciated!!




Well-known member
I think it's better to get the palette (or quads, actually, depending on how many you want). I used to buy in pots, but even though I don't have a lot, I found I wasn't using the pots nearly as much as my palettes. It's way more convenient to have the palettes and it saves you some money eventually.


Well-known member
Agreed! Get Pro Pans, If you feel like a pro pan (15) is too much then start with quads (4) This will save you time, space and money later as your collection starts to grow


Well-known member
If you are concerned about being able to swatch the colours first, you can always buy the pots and then depot them. But if you think you are pretty sure what colours you want, I would go with the pans for the savings.


Thanks guys

The 4 quad is its false economy..may as well get the it will be empty most of the year!

That helps loads..gonna bite the bullet and ring them!


Well-known member
I have two quads for travelling (just fill them with whatever shades I need), and I have some 15-Palettes for regular use.


Well-known member
I started with eye shadows and "dove in" to pigments. We're the opposite! lol

My first eye shadows were in pots, but now they're all in palettes. I get the pans now and I've depotted all of my single pots. If I could go back I would only buy the pan refills, but it's good to keep in mind that if you get them in pots you can always depot, but if you get them in pans you can't ....add a pot.

Also, I know a lot of people who only have quads because they like the clear lids. I like the 15 pan palette, personally.

It's all based on preference.


Well-known member
Go for pallettes! They are much easier to work with. Digging through individual eyeshadows seems ridiculous when you have that option. I'd get the 15 one, plus a quad pallette for travelling.


Well-known member
The only quads I have are the ones that come with collections...I like them but I like the 15 palettes so much more....They allow you room to put more colors...I do have a couple empty ones that I use when travelling I just pop the colors I want out of my 15 palette and put them in the quad, later I just put them back when I return from my trip.


Well-known member
Well I love 15 Pan Palettes. I think they are so organizational. But maybe I'm the only person whose lost here.

You don't have any eyeshadow right? So your question is what's the best way to go about the organization in the beginning correct? At least that's what I'm getting, but I may be just a little malnurished right now. Anyway, I'm going to answer that question too.

Since you really like your pigments and you don't really know if you are going to go all out with eyeshadows (which I'm sure you will in the end) then I would just by the pots first. Once you have a few and it's becoming hard for you to keep up with all the colors you have, then I would invest in a 15 pan pallette and depot the eyeshadows.

This is what I ended up doing. I probably had about 10 eyeshadows before I wanted to pull my hair out searching through them all the time.


Well-known member
i used to buy the regular pots. But then i got a mac store close by, so i started buying the pans. Honestly, the pans are cheaper and take up WAY less space. I bring my makeup between by house and my bfs, andbringing around all the pots was a pain in the butt.

save money and space!


Well-known member
I used to buy the regular pots and depotted them. I've both the 15 and 4 palettes. Like the girls, I've the 4 palette for travelling.

I prefer buying refills now. They're cheaper!


Well-known member
I wish I'd bought pro-pans, I have a ton of singles and the prospect of depotting them is daunting to me. Yet I am fed up with having them in my T'C and having to fish through a ton of them to find the colour I want, takes too much time!!


Well-known member
I love the 15 pro palette. It is so convenient and def. takes up less space! The only time I buy e/s in the pot is if they are LE or if I get them at the CCO. I don't have the regular quads. I only have quads that came out with collections.


Well-known member
Trust me putting your shadows in palettes is soooo much better. First of all they're cheaper, and also I realized it that when I decided to depot all my singles and put them in the 15 pro palette makes you realize which colors you still need and don't need (hope that makes sense). Cause I arrange mine by color


I am sold!! although slightly scared after working out its £114 to fill it, plus the 9.97..ouchie.. it will be full by December!


Active member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
I wish I'd bought pro-pans, I have a ton of singles and the prospect of depotting them is daunting to me. Yet I am fed up with having them in my T'C and having to fish through a ton of them to find the colour I want, takes too much time!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhh...but just think of all of the B2M mileage you can get from those empty singles...

I am a de-pot-a-HOLIC! I just love, love, LOVE when LE's launch so that I can depot and rebuild my B2M stash.


Well-known member
Sorry, this is a lame question and maybe I am mistunderstanding --- but can you get the pans at the regular stores? Or just the pro?

Also I heard the ELF quads will fit the MAC shadows...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Meisje
Sorry, this is a lame question and maybe I am mistunderstanding --- but can you get the pans at the regular stores? Or just the pro?

Also I heard the ELF quads will fit the MAC shadows...

Both, you just have to ask a MA. You can't buy them at counters (Like Macys, etc.) though.