ProActiv commercials make me laugh until it hurts...


Well-known member
OMG Diddy had such bad acne!...*camera zooms into ONE miniscule pimple on chin* OMG somebody call a Doctor!
*doctor rushes in * ProActiv to the rescue!!!!!
Diddy you look amazing! That little pimple you had at the MTV Video Awards is gone! What's your secret?!!!

ProActiv paid me millions of dollars to say that it cleared up my face...but to be honest with you, I popped that mother(bleep), man, haha thought I told you that we won't stop....

^^That's how they should really go, cuz they're full of SHIT.

It's NORMAL for someone to get a few blemishes every once in awhile. But these stars, Jessica Simpson and Kelly Clarkson included, were describing their skin condition like they had dozens of huge, red pustules overtaking their face, when in the pictures, they have two or three little bumps on their chin or jawline (which indicates stress-induced or hormonal acne: hello paparazzi/American Idol?) I think it's silly. And if I were someone who had totally severe acne and saw Lindsay Lohan on TV going on and on about her one devestating zit, while I was struggling with a real skin problem, I'd probably throw my television off of a very very tall building.


Well-known member
ARGH!!! I hate that commercial...Diddy and his

*perserve my sexy lalala* Hunny he can't even find cute---sexy is WAY outta reach!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
That is funny,Thanks!


Well-known member
hhahahaha! That made me laugh so hard. And I'm very sure stars like that go out to the doctors or spa rather than using proactive.


Well-known member
i love how every morning i wake up to an extremely uneven tone, and then i see these proactiv commercials where kelly clarkson has that one infamous zit and they're like "it will change your life!"'re right it will, it'll drain your damn wallet faster than mac will. but it's not gonna give you that perfect dream skin that they show on the commericals...especially since you know those stars have foundation and all that fun stuff on.

it's kind of like mascara ads where they're wearing fake lashes, kind of defeats the purpose.


Well-known member
Haha... Whenever I pull all-nighters it seems this informercial is on at least 50% of the chanels! Okay, maybe more like 10%, but still it's EVERYWHERE!

"You're gonna love this stuff!" -Jessica Simpson


Well-known member
Im waiting for the Sequel to 'Im bringin sexy back'

'I gotta preserve my sexy'.

I have AWFUL acne, and proactive just makes me wonder- How did they teach Jessica Simpson to say multi-syllable words?

MAC is love

Well-known member
Screw proactiv-I used it & it made my skin worse. Apparently I was allergic to the ingredients or something. Half the time when they "zoom in" on the zits I don't even see anything...haha if they really had "BAD" skin problems before they probably wouldn't need to zoom in on it.


Well-known member
I love it how they show photos of Jessica Simpson when she was still in her teens as the 'before' photo. I think stage lights, stage makeup, stress, and teenage hormones would cause anyone to have bad skin (especially since the photo they use is of her performing as a teen--with a non-airbrushed photo, super zoomed in--anyone would look horrendous). The fact that her 'after' as informercial spokeswoman with her hair done, skin perfected by MUAs, and tiny cosmetic procedures here and there doesn't really show a good, true 'after'. Oh well. I will admit that I use Proactiv anyway, but I do agree that the commercials are funny!!


Well-known member
ive seen this when ive been in the US but watched lindsays lohans on youtube and its so funny when she says 'its easy to take with you but its also easy to travel with!"
erm yeh thats the same thing lol


Well-known member
i bought proactiv a few months ago around the time that i frist started developing acne. which was ahhh, soooo horrible. but for some reason it made all my pimples infected!!! they all swelled up under the skin. it was disgusting! I stopped using proactiv about 2 weeks ago, and all my pimples are almost gone. honestly i think proactiv is more of a blemish/ skin treatment. i did notice that it made my skin softer and smoother, but eeeek, it suffocated my pimples. thats no good. as for as kelly clarkson/ jessica simpson, they dont even have acne issues. hahahaa. they get a fatty paycheck though for pretending too.