Proverbs or remarks you can't hear anymore?


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Everytime I watch MTVs RoomRaiders and they find huge socks, they say: "Oh big feet, you know what they say about big feet......big shoes....!" doesnt make me laugh at all.....I hate it!!!


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Not widespread remarks, but if I valet one more person's car and they make one of the following comments, I will SCREAM...

"Hey can you wash it for me, too--hahaha!"

"I bet you don't have to go to the gym after work..."

"I bet you drive all KINDS of cars"

Or from someone who DIDN'T park with us:
"Hey, bring me up a Caddy"

I'm not really complaining, I guess it's just part of the job. I feel so bad for delivery drivers who must hear "Hey, didja bring me lunch??" every time they get out of their cars...And what's so sad is that every time someone says one of these things, they think it's the most original comment ever said...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan11
Not widespread remarks, but if I valet one more person's car and they make one of the following comments, I will SCREAM...

"Hey can you wash it for me, too--hahaha!"

"I bet you don't have to go to the gym after work..."

"I bet you drive all KINDS of cars"

Or from someone who DIDN'T park with us:
"Hey, bring me up a Caddy"

I'm not really complaining, I guess it's just part of the job. I feel so bad for delivery drivers who must hear "Hey, didja bring me lunch??" every time they get out of their cars...And what's so sad is that every time someone says one of these things, they think it's the most original comment ever said...

hahahaha this cracks me up. it's amazing how many people thing they're flippin' original... i think every job has probably got a bunch like these, i can think of a few from my hostessing/waitressing/toll collecting days


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Onederland
"Be Nice."

Life's a bitch, and so am I, get over it.

speaking of... i hate hearing "life's a bitch then you marry one".... borrring and hetero-male-centric.....


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Not really a proverb or anything, but I hate it when someone calls me or anyone for that matter "my dear" It just sounds so condecending no matter who it comes from.


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Originally Posted by Shawna
Not really a proverb or anything, but I hate it when someone calls me or anyone for that matter "my dear" It just sounds so condecending no matter who it comes from.

I'm the same way about "miss," espcially when it's "Excuse me, miss." First of all, how the hell do you know if I'm not married? Just say, "Excuse me." Or if you have to tack something on the end, ma'am is more polite than miss.

And I hate when people say "You look so young." Wow, really? I've NEVER heard that one before! Then they say, "You'll appreciate it when you're older." Yeah, I know. When you're all wrinkly. Now shut up.


Well-known member
I work for a wine distributor so I'm in grocery stores ALOT. I'll be pulling a palette or cart of wine to take it out to the shelf and some idiot just has to say:

"Hey my cars parked out front" or
"You having a party" or
"You're gonna feel like hell tommorow" or
"Don't drink all that by yourself" or
"Smile" <-- I get that one ALOT, it makes me so mad because why do people feel the need to remark on a STRANGERS countenance? I'm not smiling because I DONT WANT PEOPLE TALKING TO ME while I work. !%$

This is my #1 gripe cause I hear it a BILLION times a day:

"How much is bud/miller/coors/etc 24 pack?"

#$%!(@&$% I don't fucking work for the BEER company or the grocery store.
Why don't you open your #$!%#%$ eyes and look at the !%$#! tag!? I swear people are LAZY cause 99% of the time I'll glance at the product they are asking me about and the tag is RIGHT THERE.

Ok, thank god for this thread because I feel better after getting that out.


I get "Y do you look so mean?"
Umm how about I don't want your dumb ass talking to me but that didn't work.. I mean come on really, how many people would think someone going around smiling all day was "normal'?
Oh and the old phrase "No use crying over spilled milk, or, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade... ummm? I get it but... yeah


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I hate it when people comment on the fact that I eat a lot- "That's going to catch up with you one day!" argh! Ive been hearing that FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
I work for a wine distributor so I'm in grocery stores ALOT. I'll be pulling a palette or cart of wine to take it out to the shelf and some idiot just has to say:

"Hey my cars parked out front" or
"You having a party" or
"You're gonna feel like hell tommorow" or
"Don't drink all that by yourself" or
"Smile" <-- I get that one ALOT, it makes me so mad because why do people feel the need to remark on a STRANGERS countenance? I'm not smiling because I DONT WANT PEOPLE TALKING TO ME while I work. !%$

This is my #1 gripe cause I hear it a BILLION times a day:

"How much is bud/miller/coors/etc 24 pack?"

#$%!(@&$% I don't fucking work for the BEER company or the grocery store.
Why don't you open your #$!%#%$ eyes and look at the !%$#! tag!? I swear people are LAZY cause 99% of the time I'll glance at the product they are asking me about and the tag is RIGHT THERE.

Ok, thank god for this thread because I feel better after getting that out.

UGH! I would HATE that! "My car's out front hahaha *nudge nudge*" it's like, please, don't talk. I was having the WORST day, decided to get a salad at subway rather than cooking something, and this man behind me was just dead set on striking up a conversation. I gave him a nod or a one-word answer to about nine questions, and he just didn't STOP. I understand some people are lonely, or FRIENDLY, but TAKE A HINT!

And yeah, "you look so young!" "Are you old enough to be driving?"
B*itch, I'm old enough to drink and drive if I was stupid enough!


Well-known member
I got "short fatso"
and "why do you run so slow? it must be your fat"
and the last but not the lease "are you ever going to grow?"

But I do not think I am "fat" and that is what matters.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beautifulxdisaster
But I do not think I am "fat" and that is what matters.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by beautifulxdisaster
I got "short fatso"
and "why do you run so slow? it must be your fat"
and the last but not the lease "are you ever going to grow?"

But I do not think I am "fat" and that is what matters.

Some people don't understand that super-skinny is not healthy or normal. I heard someone on the radio saying Carrie Underwood is fat :roll:

I get "Are you ever going to grow" too. What a stupid fucking question. Are you ever going to think?