• As of January 16, 2018, all posts in this section are moderated. Please engage with the community within the rest of the forums, remembering that you may not post your own tutorial links outside this section. Also remember to put your content in the proper space.

    Tutorials posted outside this space will be removed. If you post a tutorial in this space and you don't make an effort to participate in the community outside this section, your post will be deleted.

Punk Couture and Magnetic Nude Swatch and Tutorial


Hi everyone please check out my new youtube channel. I have swatches from the Punk couture and Magnetic Nude collection :)




Well-known member
Hi @toni3luv! I know that you're new to the forums, but you need to be posting your video tutorials in the Video Tutorials Forum and no where else (I have had to move your threads a few times now).

Also, you need to be following the guidelines for the video tutorials forum, so please check those out. They tell you how to embed your Youtube videos directly into the post and everything. Please fix your video tutorial threads within the next few days, and if you have any questions about the guidelines please send me a PM. I would be more than happy to help you!

Your tutorials are lovely and we here at Specktra are grateful that you are posting them, just please be sure to follow the proper guidelines so that everyone who wants to find your videos can find them and so that you are following forum guidelines. Thanks!

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