Punky Boobster- Pic Heavy!


Well-known member
Bet that title got your attention. There is a story to it, I promise!

First lets begin with my green and teal look:
Did this 2 days in a row, and I love it!
On Me:
Stila Tinted Illuminating Moisturizer
Mally Beauty Shimmer Shape and Glow

On my Eyes:
Mac Holiday Intense Color Pallette
Lancome Eyeshadow Base
Benefit BadGal Blue Mascara

Lips: Lancome Liner, Lipstick, and Juicy tubes smoothie

And for this look (for a photoshoot)
Stila Tinted Illuminating Moisturizer
Mally Beauty Shimmer Shape and Glow

Mac Holiday Smokey Eye Pallette
Lancome Cils Booster
Benefit Bad Gal Blue Mascara
Lancome Black Eyeliner

Lips: Lancome Liner, Lipstick, and Juicy tubes smoothie

And finally, an explanation of the title:
My friend and I went to another photoshoot where I was dressed as a punky ballerina, and of course I came up with the nickname of punky brewster, lol. The photographer was also a makeup artist and a fellow mac addict, yay.
Here are some pics and what I had on

Face: Studio Tech in NW20
Mac Bronzing Powder
Mac Blushcream (some darkish bronze color)
Ben Nye Concealer

Take Wing Pallette (from MAC of course)
Mac Purple pigment
Some random mascara
Mac Brow Powder
Dunno what she put on my lips, but I know she used lipglass and lipgelee.

The outfit stuff was mostly hers, except for the pointe shoes (those are mine)



Well-known member
i really like both looks, but would have liked even better to see the first with a lighter lip.


Well-known member
The 1st one is very intense! I love the 2nd one; it shows off your eyes so well! "Punky Boobster" - I almost LOLed at work when I read that!

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