Pure Luxe (all)


Well-known member
Hmm there is also another girl that looks like a super hot young version of Molly Ringwald on here that has been posting recently using a color called Charisma,.. I think it goes on my must have list.

Okay, I figured it out who I was talking about above,.. it is Smiles4C that needs a but kickin for makin me dig into my Culturebloom money,.. her MU was so rockin here
http://specktra.net/forum/showthread.php?t=38092 that I just of course had to get some,... just ordered as a matter of fact,....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
Hmm there is also another girl that looks like a super hot young version of Molly Ringwald on here that has been posting recently using a color called Charisma,.. I think it goes on my must have list.

Yep, Charisma is a must have esp. if you like pinks and golds
! I did a FOTD using Charisma a good while back, but smiles4c used the color foiled, so it's more vibrant!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Padmita
Yep, Charisma is a must have esp. if you like pinks and golds
! I did a FOTD using Charisma a good while back, but smiles4c used the color foiled, so it's more vibrant!

Hee hee you must've posted just as I edited,.....


Well-known member
i like their pigments and colors. i just placed another order today. i still love mac and mac is #1, but pure luxe is very good too!


Well-known member
Of course MAC is #1 but I think Pure Luxe is a good complimentary line,.. I order a ton of samples and a full Charisma (A pox on Padmita and Smiles4c) and a sample of that eraser stuff,... I can't wait to get and try my stuff,.. I love love love pigments,.. they are so versatile,.. you wouldnt think I already have nearly the whole line of True Colors mica pigments,.. and a ton of MAC pigments,.. I need more like I need a hole in the head,... so I guess I will just sign up to be the firing squad practic dummy,....


Active member
Anyone tried Pure Luxe cosmetics?

Hi! My friend says she has good things about Pure Luxe, but I had never heard of it before. I'm about to order a bunch of samples from them, but was wondering if anyone had tried them and had any opinions or suggestions about what to order?? Thanks....


Well-known member
Of all the things of theirs I have bought, the only thing I liked was Eraser. I tried e/s, I tried other stuff, but none of it was that special. Eraser was the only decent thing, and it's not even something I'd call a necessity.

All in all, I've been unimpressed by PL.


Well-known member
I have the e/s samples in many colors, and i like them. I use UDPP with my pigments and i don't notice a difference in wear between PL and MAC. They have so many colors and it is pretty cheap, I say go for it.


Well-known member
Well I love Eraser too,.. Is good stuff,.the shadows are pretty decent but not a whole lot of pigment to many of them,.. so in order to get them to pop you have to foil them,... I foil them even over UDPP and paints,.. but they do have some pretty stuff,..


Active member
Thanks everyone....considering most of their samples are only $1, I figured it couldn't hurt to try them out. I never really need more than a sample of a color anyway. I rarely wear the same e/s two days in a row. There are so many colors and so little time! =)


Well-known member
These pigments are wonderful, but sometimes they are a little on the sheer side. Pure Luxe sends good size samples too! They have a great variety of shades.

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