Purple monkey dishwasher!!


Well-known member
Sorry, I just didn't want to be like everyone else. Too many topics that have "Hi", and something about a new member. Anyway, I have joined, and shall be picking everyone's minds for inspiration! I live in a small town in Alberta, and yet am severly addicted to MAC. This is a problem for me, as I never get to shop! Oh well, I do what I can.


Well-known member
Hi and welcome to Specktra!

I hope you have fun here!

I like your topic but now I want so see a purple monkey dishwasher!


Well-known member
I am already enjoying the forums! I'm hugely inspired, which is why I joined. And sadly, I have no idea what a purple monkey dishwasher looks like. I really should have thought about how disappointing it would be for people to get their hopes up... Oh well, I'm a horrible person. Lol.