purple stars in a bright blue sky (1st fotd!)


Well-known member
this is my first fotd so please be kind with the cc!! i feel like blending isn't my strong point... no matter how hard i try!

anyways here is what i used -

face -

maybelline wonder finish foundation
l'oreal powder
mac pearl cream colour base
mac springsheen blush
mac blonde msf

eyes -

mac water based mixing medium
mac violet pigment
mac entremauve pigment
mac blue flame shadow
mac vellum shadow
mac blitz and glitz fluidline
maybelline collassal mascara

lips -

mac lipliner (can't remember the name!)
mac so scarlet
mac ms fizz dazzleglass

and now for the piccies! i hope you like!







thanks in advance for any cc!


Well-known member
Yay Im glad you posted! This is beautiful, I love purple and blue!

As far as the blending goes, blending is most important between the crease color and the highlight color, try putting your blending brush right on the line where those two colors meet and do small left and right stroked with your brush
( I prefer the MAC 224 )


Well-known member
thanks for your advice blindpassion. i actually bought the 224 brush but haven't used it much. do i just use the brush with no colour on to smudge out the crease and highlight colour or do i put some of the highlight colour on it and smudge into the crease?! even though i've been wearing make up for years only over the past 6 months i've been more experimental with it!!


Well-known member
NEVER put color on your 224 brush, in my opinion. If you keep is clean and colorless, its perfect for blending. Take the clean 224, and place it on the line between the two colors, then do small back and forth (left to right, right to left) motions, a little section at a time, and work your way from one side of your eye to the other side, slowly blending as you go

I find that works the best for me.


Well-known member
thanks! i will try that next time!
for some reason there is not thanks button showing for me otherwise i would have thanked you that way! weird!

now i can use my brush properly! when i got it i put come rose pigment on it and it was going everywhere!! and haven't used it since! using no colour makes so much more sence!
fingers crossed i'll be a blending pro in no time!


Well-known member
I love the colour combo too!!

My only cc would be to not take your eyeshadow out too far.
it's nice to see a fotd from you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
My only cc would be to not take your eyeshadow out too far.

That's my suggestion as well.
Great look though, love the colors.


Well-known member
thanks nunu and shootout. i'm thinking of trying out the 'tape method' so i'll get a nice dramatic line and also the shadow won't be extended so far out that way


Well-known member
The tape method gives you a clean line so that would look perfect with your eyeshape as well.


Well-known member
I would be careful not to go too far outside the eye area with shadow.. keep it on the lid and blend upward, not outward. Pretty colors!


Well-known member
gr8 job!blend the highlight with crease colour,so that it looks like a gradient(dark-->light---->fade out)!just clean the outer and inner edges with a q-tip,this will finish of the look!keep practicing and keep posting!!


Well-known member
The colors are wonderful and go well with your skin tone!
I also agree on not bringing the color to far out and blending better. I personally would also darken the crease a little more to bring more definition and pop to your eye, it would enhance the shape better.
Hope that helps!


Well-known member
thanks so much everybody! i'll deffo use a q tip to tidy up the edges and also blend up and not out! i can't wait to try all these tips and tricks in a few days and fingers crossed i'll see a big difference!

maybe i should break out my carbon to deepen the crease colour next time... i rarely use carbon for fear of making a mess with it!

i really appriciate all the postive and helpful feedback and will most certaintly be posting more fotd's in the future


Well-known member
Pretty colors, so happy to see you posting.

Like the others I agree with working on execution and eyeshadow shape
Otherwise, I like it!

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