purple trouble : (


Well-known member
good morning ladies : )

so i am having trouble here and i hope that someone has some good advice. i love purples and i have a few, but everytime i put them on they dont apply well and dont blend well at all. is it just me or do any of you guys have the same problem?

am i better off with piggies or does anyone have any ideas on how to work with my favorite purples?


Well-known member
I don't think you're having trouble because the shadow is purple, it's not like other colours are different to work with. What finishes are you using? I have about 8 or 9 MAC purple shadows and never have problems with any. Also it depends on the brush you're using, and if you're using a base. If you're using paints I would suggest putting a thin layer of cream colour base overtop to help the shadow adhere better. That's about all I can think of.


Well-known member
lets see i have mystical myst (frost) and iris print (velvet). i will have to check out my other colors to see if i have the same problems with these textures.

i usually use the 213 (fluff brush) and the 224 (tapered blending brush).

i think i am going to have to break out my paints and try that also.

thanks for your help

btw....big fan of your looks : )


New member
u might want to use a base... are you lids too oily or dry at all... maybe that's why they arent blending. try using a good base to even out the tone and the skin and it should blend better. i havent had issues with either or those shadows... hope it all works out.


Well-known member
try using a base - bases help your shadows stay on, prevent creasing, and can make shadows somewhat more vibrant. i highly recommend MAC paints ($15) or Urban Decay's Eyeshadow Primer Potion ($13). if you don't want to pay that much for a base, try L'Oreal DeCrease ($7), which is adequate.


Well-known member
Purples are fun! here;'s what works for me when i cant get the color to blend: i apply the shadow from lid to crease with the 239 brush, i pat it on and layer over it about times until i get a vibrant color payoff then i take either the 222 or the 224 (depending on how far and much blending i want) and fan the color upwards using quick strokes (only on the top part where it meets the crease, not the entire lid) , this usually works and i hope it does for you sweetie!!


Well-known member
thanks guys....i really need to buy the Urban Decay Primer Potion, everone seems to love it.

i use the paints, shadesticks and EZR but none of them work