Purple/Wine Design?


Well-known member
What blush and lipstick do you all suggest wearing with a purple/wine eye design?
I'm not talking about jolting purple eyeshadow lashes to brows here; I mean more like dove gray on the lids, with deep purple/wine(think Stila Cassis) accents.
I'm NW15; brunette; jade green eyes, and I like a subtle "pop" of color in my cheeks.


Well-known member
With a strong eye I would keep the lips and cheeks very soft and nude so they don't compete.


Well-known member
It honestly depends on whether it's a cool purple or a warm purple. For cooler purples I go with cooler pinks on the cheeks, and neutral lips. For warmer purples I go with reds and peach colours on the cheeks and peach or neutral lips.