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Purply Golden Look

Hey there girls. Just wanted to share with you a look I did using low-end, drugstore brands. I just started a new channel on YouTube called www.youtube.com/BeautyOnABudget to share great looks that are wearable and are dirt cheap. Please check it out/subscribe/give feedback/whatever! I'm just starting out so any feedback would be extremely useful.

Anywho, without further ado...



YouTube - Purple/Gold Look


Active member
Awesome i love how you have the "Beauty on a budget thing" I don't have alot of High end makeup as im just starting to buy it so this helps


New member
Beautiful!! I really like the natural look!! I love that you do D/S makeup. I know I shouldn't say this in the land where MAC rule's, but sometimes my student's budget can't afford the $30 lip gloss, and I have to break down an only spend $2.99 at Walgreen’s

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