

Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
When was the last time you cried? And I mean, for real, bawling, tears flowing uncontrolably(sp?), nose driplets, get a head ache from crying so hard.

Last week. Someone basically told me my dancing was under par and sucked. Not something totally uncommon, but sometimes my thick skin breaks. =/

Have you ever quit a job?

(I have, in November, and I was NOT shutting up about it--the policy in ballet tends to be sit down and shut up, but I don't agree. LOL I have a bit of a mouth on me sometimes...)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
When was the last time you cried? And I mean, for real, bawling, tears flowing uncontrolably(sp?), nose driplets, get a head ache from crying so hard.

Last March at Camp Everytown. Was intense.
I'm going again this March. :3

Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
Have you ever quit a job?

Never had a job :c

Have you ever been the victim of a nasty rumor?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
Last week. Someone basically told me my dancing was under par and sucked. Not something totally uncommon, but sometimes my thick skin breaks. =/

Have you ever quit a job?

(I have, in November, and I was NOT shutting up about it--the policy in ballet tends to be sit down and shut up, but I don't agree. LOL I have a bit of a mouth on me sometimes...)

Yes, they said they were going to hire me permanently then decided the week before not to. When they told me that I said peace out. It was my first job and my feelings were hurt.

Originally Posted by OfficerJenny

Have you the victim of a nasty rumor?

Not that I know of!

Can money buy happiness?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Have you ever been the victim of a nasty rumor?

yes. now everyone at school thinks i'm a major slut.
and i've never even had sex..

do you hold grudges?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claralikesguts
yes. now everyone at school thinks i'm a major slut.
and i've never even had sex..

do you hold grudges?

i try not to. its a waste of time. just let it be nd move on, i guess.

Who loves Orange soda?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny

Favorite colour of clothing to wear?


How much self control do you have?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

How much self control do you have?

Not much. hahaha..

Actually it depends. When it comes down to shopping, GOSH I have broken so many rules I put down for myself.

Have you ever cheated on your significant other?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by patty0411
Not much. hahaha..

Actually it depends. When it comes down to shopping, GOSH I have broken so many rules I put down for myself.

Have you ever cheated on your significant other?

Nope. And I hope that I never do.

A baseball diamond is a square with side 90 ft. A batter hits the ball and runs toward first base with a speed of 25 ft/s.

(a) At what rate is his distance from second base decreasing when he is halfway to first base? m/s

(b) At what rate is his distance from third base increasing at the same moment? m/s


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes

When was the last time you cried? And I mean, for real, bawling, tears flowing uncontrolably(sp?), nose driplets, get a head ache from crying so hard.

Friday. We watched the movie "Wit" (with Emma Thompson) in class. It made me think of my boyfriend's mom, whom i never got to meet. I think of her everyday, but i don't like to think of her in that context.

Originally Posted by claralikesguts
do you hold grudges?

Yes. I really awful like that.

Originally Posted by OfficerJenny

Favorite colour of clothing to wear?

I'm a pale red head with freckles. It;s very flattering on me

Originally Posted by patty0411

Have you ever cheated on your significant other?

Absolutely not. Never.

Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Be honest. Have you ever used the N-Word(nigger)? Don't worry, I won't get angry.

Nope, never ever. Only when relaying what a racist comment someone else has said.

Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Do you take religion seriously? is it a big part of your life?

No. I do not believe in organized religion. In fact i strongly dislike it.

Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
What famous person do you share a bday with?


Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
What do you think of Ed Hardy?

I think it;'s such an obnoxious clothing line. Gift me a t shirt, some fabric paint and a bedazzler, and i could make you that crazy for 30$.
My cousin (the self labeled Italian stallion) showed up at my (irish household) with a crazy crazy fashion mullet. giant diamond earings. tight tight acid washed jeans. LOTS of "bling", an ed hardy t shirt, and possibly eye liner. He's a pompous douche bag, and that is the kind of person i imagine when i think of ed hardy.

If you could pack up and move Anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you move?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
If you could pack up and move Anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you move?


What's your favorite drink (non alcoholic, alcoholic, or virgin version of alcoholic)?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
What's your favorite drink (non alcoholic, alcoholic, or virgin version of alcoholic)?


Do you go shopping to keep up with the seasons? Spring/summer and fall/winter, or do you consistently purchase things throughout the year?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny

Do you go shopping to keep up with the seasons? Spring/summer and fall/winter, or do you consistently purchase things throughout the year?

not really.

why hasn't anyone answered my calculus question?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Do you go shopping to keep up with the seasons? Spring/summer and fall/winter, or do you consistently purchase things throughout the year?

YES. Although it isn't so much to keep up with trends as it is because...I have trouble keeping my hands off new makeup/clothes/shoes. D:

Did you ever have braces?


Well-known member
Did you ever have braces?[/quote]

Yes I had braces for 4 years , the only time I wore my retainer was to walk out of the office of the orthodontist
after that I never had that thing in my mouth and my teeth have not moved at much since

was there ever a time when you thought wearing makeup was pointless ?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by choozen1ne
was there ever a time when you thought wearing makeup was pointless ?

Yes, there are times when I think it's so silly. I don't need it. It's such a massive waste of money. Then there are times when I love it and it excites me to get all done up whether I am just posting a FOTD or going out.

Think back to all of your exes or people you dated or were involved with. Who would you invite to dinner? Why? What would you talk about? You have to pick someone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs

Think back to all of your exes or people you dated or were involved with. Who would you invite to dinner? Why? What would you talk about? You have to pick someone.

This guy Nick.
I wanna know why he has such low self esteem :c

Have you ever ignored someone for an extended period of time due to an argument, etc, even though you knew talking to them would work it out?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Have you ever ignored someone for an extended period of time due to an argument, etc, even though you knew talking to them would work it out?

Yes. It was because I knew I was wrong and didn't need to hear it from someone else after knowing it myself. Merrrrrrr.

What's the biggest obstacle you've had to work against in your life?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs

Think back to all of your exes or people you dated or were involved with. Who would you invite to dinner? Why? What would you talk about? You have to pick someone.

C. Because it was a relationship of firsts in so many ways. Everything.
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Have you ever ignored someone for an extended period of time due to an argument, etc, even though you knew talking to them would work it out?

I try not to do that but yes, at least once or twice.

Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
What's the biggest obstacle you've had to work against in your life?


Have you ever met someone you've reacted to so strongly that the physical pull of the two of you together is more than you can stand?

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