Question about MAC Interview

Glam Girl

I had an interview this past weekend with the Cosmetics Manager at a department store. It was only for 15 hours a week, but I'd like to get my foot in the door. Well, I think that part went well, because when I spoke to him today, he said he was going to get together with the MAC Counter Manager and schedule for me to meet with her.

Ok, so with that said, he added "dress and do your makeup like you would if you were coming to work that day".

Here's my question:

I wore all black that day to my interview (pants, top, shoes) very professional. So what in the world could I possibly change? My makeup was done (not over-done), my hair was good. I'm am so confused! What do you think I should do??? :confused:


Well-known member
Im sure he said that "Dress like you would if u were coming to work" just b/c he says it to ALL interviewees. It was probably just something he always says,and NOT based on your first outfit.
That being said, when i went for ( I got the job also) My interview I wore trendy black outfit(black gauchos,black stiletto pointy toed knee high boots and a black v neck)I also wore some trendy big earrings. My makeup was more dramatic/OTT then normal( but I was still comfortable wearing it) I wore lots of teal and black on my eyes,smooth skin and bronzer and nude lip.
But most importantly, I had lots of confidence ;-)
I hope this helps yoU!

Glam Girl

Thanks Cingels! That helps


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cingels
Im sure he said that "Dress like you would if u were coming to work" just b/c he says it to ALL interviewees. It was probably just something he always says,and NOT based on your first outfit.
That being said, when i went for ( I got the job also) My interview I wore trendy black outfit(black gauchos,black stiletto pointy toed knee high boots and a black v neck)I also wore some trendy big earrings. My makeup was more dramatic/OTT then normal( but I was still comfortable wearing it) I wore lots of teal and black on my eyes,smooth skin and bronzer and nude lip.
But most importantly, I had lots of confidence ;-)
I hope this helps yoU!

It's funny that you described the way you went in cuz that is exactly what I thought of when he said "Dress like you would if u were coming to work". Most of the MAC MAs that I see have funky makeup and cute, trendy clothes. Their whole style is funky and artsy so that's what I thought he might have meant. Like, come in as though you already are a MAC MA. But, who knows. I may be waaaay off base.


Well-known member
go trendy make-up and clothes.. just like aziajs said, come in as though you already work there. During my interview I wore a pencil skirt, an amadna silk top (from bebe) with those stomach belts (? not sure wat they're called exactly) and stillettos. My make-up was pretty loud (jewel blue, sushi flower, sketch) and my hair was up in a pony tail. Dont forget to wear false lashes. Most importantly, be confident- it will show throughout your interview and they'll remember you for it! I showed a lot of personality and I was sooo happy to hear that I got the job. Goodluck to you! You'll do great. Keep us posted


Well-known member
Were you maybe dressed a little on the conservative side during the interview? Although professional dress is great, MAC is ALL for trendy. They are big on upholding the "MAC image" which means keeping up with the latest trends in fashion. Also, when I first started working, I found that the makeup I applied at home didn't look as strong at work as it did at home (I guess the spotlights at work did that), so I added a little more everywhere than I would have normally.

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