Question about Mac's white e/s


Well-known member
So I went by one of my local counters a little while back, and thinking back on how it went down, I'm a little bothered.
I know all of the people that work at one of them, and one of the guys I know helped me on that day. I was looking for a very opaque white. The guy showed me 4 -- Gesso, White Frost, Crystal Avalanche and the mystery one. I turned down White Frost immediately as I have it, and Crystal Avalanche next because I wanted matte. So that left mystery e/s and Gesso.
I went with Gesso as it seemed more pigmented, but when I got home and started studying my hand further, I realized that the mystery shadow was better. He described Gesso as a matte, obviously, and this other one was a satin.
I had to return Gesso to a different store, and asked the counter manager what the name of the satin one was. She got an attitude with me and said that the only matte or satin white other than Gesso was Chill, which is "long discontinued". I told her the guy at the counter, who I know, showed me the **** eyeshadow, so wtf? She just said "oh, _______ doesn't know anything anyway."

Am I missing something? If Chill was the one he showed me, and was long discontinued, why was it at the counter and why would it have been sitting on the display? Any suggestions as to what this shadow could have been?


Well-known member
It could've been Chill, and that counter never RTV'd it.
I guess I'd go back to that original counter and see if they mystery shadow is still there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
It could've been Chill, and that counter never RTV'd it.
I guess I'd go back to that original counter and see if they mystery shadow is still there.


I saw Chill for sale in the sale area and debated buying it...
I'm just mad that the counter manager got so huffy with me, that's after a sales girl shrugged after I asked and then ignored me. I guess this is what people were referring to with having bad experiences at the counters... I've never had a bad one until recently.


Well-known member
Maybe it was Unbasic White, but I think this is a starflash. I'd definitely pick up the Chill if you have the opportunity. As far a Gesso is concerned, it is on the sheer side & it has a definite blue undertone. So maybe it's a cool white -- lol!


Well-known member
Have you tried the shade Phloof! ? It's described as an off-white on MAC's site and considered a frost. The MA recently paired it with Sand & Sun on me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cydonian

I saw Chill for sale in the sale area and debated buying it...
I'm just mad that the counter manager got so huffy with me, that's after a sales girl shrugged after I asked and then ignored me. I guess this is what people were referring to with having bad experiences at the counters... I've never had a bad one until recently.

Oh, that is super irritating, especially since there was no reason for her to be like that, and really unprofessional to trash another MAC artist like that. I'd make a complaint to MAC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TealAngel
Have you tried the shade Phloof! ? It's described as an off-white on MAC's site and considered a frost. The MA recently paired it with Sand & Sun on me.

Phloof is a shimmery/frost pink colour so I don't think this would fit the bill.

You could try a different brand. I love Sugarpill's matte white shadow. I'm sure MUFE would have something good to offer, too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kirsty
Phloof is a shimmery/frost pink colour so I don't think this would fit the bill.

You could try a different brand. I love Sugarpill's matte white shadow. I'm sure MUFE would have something good to offer, too.

I know MUFE has a good one, but every time I go to my only local Sephora, they're out of it (we're talking going on 2 months now). I want to look into Sugarpill anyway for Goldilux, I just don't have the spare cash at the moment to justify any more makeup. I have a birthday coming up, so we'll see.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Oh, that is super irritating, especially since there was no reason for her to be like that, and really unprofessional to trash another MAC artist like that. I'd make a complaint to MAC.

Do I just email them to do that, and do they want specific locations and names? I don't want to list names as there's only 2 in my area, and I have a feeling they'd remember the girl that returned a white eyeshadow saying it wasn't white enough... lol. I don't want it to be awkward if I have to go back there.


Well-known member
My recommendation next time is that where you go to purchase something be prepared for unpleasantry. This way, your defenses are up. And if you get unpleasantry, speak up & let them know that they are rude & out-of-line. And, yes, I would email MAC, but only after I go back to the store & find out the name of the SA who helped you. Hey, you are the customer. Without customers, she doesn't have a job & MAC doesn't make a profit. She's not getting paid to do you a favor, she's there to help you & make the your shopping experience a pleasant one so that you will come back. I've hit a point that I know longer take any crap from salespeople; I've finally found my voice & I use it. And after a negative encounter, I make it a point to go back & give the salesperson a short staring acknowledgement. Like hell am I going to put my tail between my legs when I'm in the right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cydonian
Do I just email them to do that, and do they want specific locations and names? I don't want to list names as there's only 2 in my area, and I have a feeling they'd remember the girl that returned a white eyeshadow saying it wasn't white enough... lol. I don't want it to be awkward if I have to go back there.

Yep, you just send them a message. There's a place to contact them under customer service. Location definitely know, name probably not, unless she's the manager, or something. You could be nonchalant about finding out her name...stop by the counter at a different time than you did, and just give a description of her at the counter and say she was helping you the other day and you wanted to find out when she was next working. But it's probably not necessary to get her name. You could even just put a description of her in the message. Whoever the counter manager that receives the message will know who it is. I'm pretty sure comments/complaints are sent to supervisors anonymously, so you shouldn't have to worry about her knowing it was you.