Question about makeup certification classes


Well-known member
I am an aspiring makeup artist and am slowly building my collection and portfolio now, but I'm also looking into attending makeup classes/seminars to better my craft and keep up with the latest trends. I came across Jane Doe Makeup Academy whose main HQ is out of Brooklyn, NY, but they also hold classes in Philadelphia, Hoboken, NJ, and CT.

Has anyone attended any of these classes? If so, what was your experience and what did you think? I signed up for their basic & bridal makeup certification class and will be going in a few weeks. I want to have some sort of certification so I can add it to my resume and to help me with future clients. They have tons of other classes such as:

Fashion Runway
Basic Photo Makeup
Advance Photo Makeup
Special FX

These were just a few that I saw on their website and they also have some classes that are aunique and not a part of their roster like Makeup for Showgirls & Drag Queens.

Can anyone give me any info on what their experience was with this school or what they have heard? I really appreciate any feedback so I know what to expect.

Thank you!