Question about Mineralize Skinfinish/Natural


Active member
I'm a NW20 and I'm wondering what color Mineralize Skinfinish/Natural would work for me. I have a friend who has one in Medium, used it once but it was to dark for her (she's a nw15 or lighter...) and she's sending it to me. I hope the color will work. What do you think a nw20 would use?


Well-known member
I'm around a NW20 and I use Medium. I find it's the perfect colour for me most days, some days it's too dark (usually when I'm sick). I love this powder though. It's really one of my HG products.


Active member
Good to know. Thanks so much


Well-known member
Like Knoxy said, try Medium, or even the new Light Medium one (I'm around NW15 and have used products in both medium and light medium and they both seem to work alright)


Well-known member
im nw20 and medium is perfect! the mineralize skinfinish naturals are very sheer so light medium or medium would be fine for you i would say


Well-known member
I am NW 20 and I really like MSF Natural in Medium Plus, it was part of the N collection.


Well-known member
Im NW20 as well but i found that medium was too "orangey" for me so I switched to light and its perfect for now, is there a big differnce between light and light medium?



Well-known member
I don't wear MAC foundations, but I had a make-over recently. The MUA used NW20 on me, and the Medium MSF was perfect for that. I now use it over my minerals most days. I don't, honestly, SEE any difference (maybe it's my application method), but I surely can FEEL a difference.

Anyway, like everyone else said, the Medium should work fine. I actually put it on my face once with no foundation on, and I didn't notice any color difference at all!


Well-known member
NW15-20, using light medium. Light seemed chalky when I tried it on at the store. I personally wouldn't try medium but it seems to work fine for others with this skintone.


Well-known member
i had the same problem..light was well light and medium was on the darker side.light medium was the answer to all my prayers.i think it will be perfect for u too.


Well-known member
i wear light and i'm nc15, so i imagine that either light medium or medium would be great for you. they're rather sheer.

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