Question about Model for Interview...


Well-known member
Quick question: Your model is not expected to make a purchase is she? (To you show off your selling skills.)


Well-known member
Hehehe, no.

The way it worked for my interview was....I did my makeup demo (a replication of a face chart from Ornamentalism). The manager came over & looked at it & then she said that my model could go walk around the mall or whatever so her & I could do a spoken interview.

I don't know how it works if you do 2 separate interviews though.


Well-known member
No, but if they are expecting you to speak to her as if you are educating her and selling to her as if she was a real client, make sure that you throw that verbiage in there. It shows that you are keeping the sale in mind, not just the artistic aspect of it.

When your demo is over, no one would expect her to buy anything.

Do you have an interview coming up? If so, good luck and let us know how it goes.


Well-known member
LOL, no I haven't even applied yet. I'm planning to apply in February, after I've been with Smashbox for a year. I am just so overly organzied I like having everything planned out so it goes seamlessly, including who my model will be. Gah, lol. See my Mac Store Vs. Pro Store Vs. Mac Counter thread to help me decide which I should apply at. Many thanks in advance!!!!


Well-known member
My model got a free pair of lashes when she came for my Application Certification! (Cause lashes are a part of the evaluation).


I have to take a model with me to my interview this saturday... Would I be better off with someone whose face I know really well or taking a model who I haven't even seen wearing makeup-entirely fresh canvas so to speak?


Well-known member
And it really helps to take someone who's got good skin. Not in a discriminatory way - but you don't have to work so hard on the skin if she's already has decent skin.