Question about samples...


Well-known member
Well, you beautiful people...
I plan to go to the MAC store tomorrow (as well as Nordstrom, because I have a gift card) and I was wondering...

what is the best way to approach a MA and ask her/him for samples?

...because i plan to buy a few shadows and i would like some samples of various pigments.

how many samples do they usually give out?


Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
Most of the time you can just ask for samples of the colors that you want. They should not have problems with you asking for it unless they are one of the rude MAs. I usually ask to see the pigment first just to get an idea if I like it. Then I tell them that I am not really sure about buying it just yet. Sometimes they will ask you if you want a sample to test it out, and sometimes they don't. I hope that this helps.


Well-known member
I usualy ask once I've picked out everything that I already want to buy, I just like to sneak it in as an "afterthought"
None of the MA's at favorite stores really care anyway though LOL They're always more than happy to do it since I spend too much $$$ in there as it is.


Well-known member
sadly, i've only gone into the actual mac store once or twice...because i usually get my stuff at nordstrom. but this time i want to go to the actual store because they have a wider selection of products =/


Well-known member
Well that's ok
That's why I like to go too.
But really, just ask. I'm sure you'll get a nice MA that won't roll her eyes and act like it's a huge burden. And if you do. Who cares? Samples are a good thing! If you like the product you might come back for the full size later which means more $$$ for them. HTH!


Well-known member
I just ask. I actully make sure to ask after I have told them what I'd like to purchase and they are gathering everything. I have gotten really generous samples and then I have gotten some that look like the dust lift in an empty bottle. But just ask. I always ask for one cuz I don't want to seem greedy.


Well-known member
ask and you shall recieve! i guess theres no harm in asking so why not- you could end up leaving with a whole heap of samples
All the best


Well-known member
I would say to the MA that before you want to buy a full jar, you want to try it out in your own home's lighting to play with it - could you please have a sample.

I am a pigment whore, so I have never tried it, mind you. I also have never entered MAC without spending $100 (sad, but true), so I would probably only feel comfortable asking if I was making a purchase.

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