Questions about Pigment Samples?


Well-known member
How can you get pigment samples? Can you get them/request them at any MAC counter, or does it have to be a MAC (freestanding) store? My nearest store is like an hour away so I would hope I could just head to a Marshall Fields, but would like to know in advance! thanks
I ask for them whenever I go to my closest Mac counter (at a Dillard's store.) I only ask if I am making a purchase and the SA isn't too busy. THe only problem is there aren't many choices. (whatever is leftover from the last collection, basically). If you want the full range of pigments, you have to go to a free-standing store.


Well-known member
Aside from purchasing them from the evil internet site e***, people sometimes have them up for swapping. Or you could grab a bunch of friends, buy a full-size each, and split equally among you all. So you buy 6 in total and split them so you all get 6 colours. It's a dream!


Well-known member
A question - is a counter able to decide that they do not want to give pigment samples out? Mine used to, well half of the SAs used to say we don't and half would, but some time back one that used to said 'we're not allowed to give them anymore'.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
A question - is a counter able to decide that they do not want to give pigment samples out? Mine used to, well half of the SAs used to say we don't and half would, but some time back one that used to said 'we're not allowed to give them anymore'.

Last weekend I got 3 FULL containers of pigment samples from my MA at the local freestanding store, so I guess it's up to the store and/or the MA's...


Well-known member
GGsoul, I am jealous!! Thanks for sharing that info w/me. I'll see if I ask really nicely what happens the next time I am at a counter.


Well-known member
how do you get a pigment sample?

I see people's traincase pictures in that thread and they have pigment samples. at one time I had blue pigment, but I returned it because it was so much and I was using so little of it at a time I figured it wasn't worth it. but I still hear tons of rave about pigments. how does one aquire samples to play around with?


Well-known member
I have some for sale under my for sale/swap thread! They come in 1/4 tsp. and the prices are $3 each, 2 for $5, or 5 for $10! That prices already includes shipping/handling costs as well! You choose what colors you want from what I currently have available. I currently have about 16 diff. colors!


Well-known member could ask for them at a MAC store, you might get one depending if the MAs are 8itches or not. Sometimes they are just mean about samples.


Well-known member
Mine are all free samples from the Mac counter, i sometimes ask if i can have one when i buy stuff. Half of the time i've been told they don't do pigment samples and half of the time they had no problem giving me one.
I got such a huge Coco sample and it'll last me for ages, i didn't even know it was LE and such a good colour when i asked for it!


Well-known member
It isn't always about if the MA's are being '8itches' - sometimes it's about if the counter manager has decided to allow the MA's to give out samples. Some counters don't even provide sample jars for MA's to give samples. But I guess thinking positively of the MA's or giving them the benefit of the doubt is too much to ask.


Well-known member
How many samples in MAC Pigment?

Do you guys know how many 1/4 tsp samples I could get out of one jar of MAC Pigment?


Well-known member
I think it is around 12. It would probably vary a little by the texture of the pigment. Some are less volumous, like the mattes and metals. The frost ones tend to be more "fluffy".


Well-known member
Pigment samples

well I thought would be nice to sell a few samples seen as I'm NEVER gonna get through the whole jars of pigments I have but I'm wondering what do you use to measure them out??
and anyone in the UK no where I can get the jars from?

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