Questions about the reputation feature go here


Well-known member
How does the reputation feature work?

I used the "add to <user's> reputation" button on someone's post, but their "Rep Power" is still showing as 0.

I definitely used the add to reputation button because if I try to do it again on the same post I get a message saying I can only rate the post once.

Is it a cumulative thing. Does it take more than one "vote" to increase the Rep Power by one?

I'm curious about the feature and I'd like to understand it a little better, please.



Well-known member
I wish my computer wouldn't have shut off in the middle of that very long post I had types up but I won't cry over spilled milk.

Basically - Reputation is actually a pretty complicated thing to explain, it's not just 'click and 1 rep point is left for that user'. I'll try my best to explain it very simply because it confused the heck out of me when I was trying to understand it for the first time.

Reputation points left are based upon the member who is giving the points' reputation altering power. Reputation power is altered and derived from a mathematical equation that looks something like this:

A + B + C + D = Total altering power


A = 1 point / set number of days as a member
B = 1 point / set number of posts
C = 1 point / set number of reputation points
D = Number of initial altering points at registration.

Specktras' altering system is setup like this currently:

A = 1 point / 365 days as a member
B = 1 point / per 500 posts
C = 1 point / 100 reputation points
D = 5 initial altering points at registration.

There are also a couple of "qualifiers" before points count, they can be left but not count before these qualities are met. They are:

  • The member must have a minimum of 15 posts

  • The member must have a minimum of 10 reputation points

So the number you SEE next to your rep dot is NOT the number of points you have, it's your altering power. This is why we are not using and do not promote the forum reputation system as a 'token' setup. As you begin to accumulate points the you will gain additional 'dots' next to your name. As you acumulate posts and other altering qualifiers you will see your "Rep Power" # increase.

This helped me understand the reputation system better. I'm pretty sure that link should work, let me know if it doesn't.


Well-known member
Thanks so much for taking the time to explain all that Janice. I really appreciate it. The link you posted does work and it helped me a lot.

This new board software looks really interesting - I think I might go and read up a bit more about it. (I know I'm a sad techie, lol!)


Well-known member
does that mean rep power/altering power is really a conglomeration of reputation points + other indicators of your reputation (eg. how long you've been around, how much you actively participate, etc)?

does that also mean that only rep power is visible, where as no one else can see how many reputation points you've actually be given?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kristabella
does that mean rep power/altering power is really a conglomeration of reputation points + other indicators of your reputation (eg. how long you've been around, how much you actively participate, etc)?

That's correct.

Originally Posted by kristabella
does that also mean that only rep power is visible, where as no one else can see how many reputation points you've actually be given?

There might be a hack to make rep points visible, but as far as this setup goes, that is correct.


Well-known member
Also, if it's too confusing for everyone to see the visible altering number to the side of their rep 'dot' I can deactivate that option.

You gain a rep 'dot' for every 100 points of positive/negative reputation.


Well-known member
Maybe if it's possible, just bring down the "dot" to another line underneath the rep power, or just seperate them somehow?

Not sure if this can be done, but breaking those two up might help, since the number beside rep power and the dot aren't seperated by any space at all. Just a suggestion

Thanks for the explanation, though!


Well-known member
Wow that is deep...I was wondering what was going on when I look in my cp I see a totally different number than what the dot says. I think its cool, gotta love vbb and our admins


Well-known member
Can I take a look at the comment about my reputation points?

Whenever I give a rep point I can add a comment!

Can I see the comments that are given to me at some fold in my user cp or somewhere?



Well-known member
Yes, if the person who awards you reputation decides to leave a comment you will see it in your user CP. It will show right in the first window when you click on user CP.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
Reputation explanation located here.

Is there supposed to be a link there? Because I don't see one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gloriamgo
So what is the rep dot? That little colored thing under the number of posts?



Well-known member
Another question on the reputation thing

Until now I have 5 reputation points. Is there any way to see from whom or what I got them???


Well-known member
I have 7 points, but have received 3.

And with the box that shows you the received rep points in your User CP, where it says who gave them, two of the dots are grey and one is green, how come? I know that green means you've got rep points and grey means you've disabled the function, but all of these people have got green dots in their profile!


Well-known member
I have read this thread, but I can't see anything in my UserCP?! Does this only function, when they leave a comment?