Quick Question


Well-known member
Whenever you finish a haul and your walking around the mall with your pretty MAC bag (and to all you other Mom's out there YOU KNOWWW you don't put it in the stroller, you hold it, or until you get a bag from another store you put the MAC bag inside of that one THEN you put it in the stroller LOL..) how many times do you take the product out of the box and stare at it? LOL. Because I know I do like 15 times before I leave the mall.. Just wondering who does the same


Well-known member
LOL i stare at it whenever my husband is looking at other stores. when i have my mac bag i don't even notice the other stores anymore because everywhere we stop i take something out stare at it, or even smell it! (tendertones lol). then when i stared at it enough i put it in the stroller =) sometimes my purse when i dont want it to get messed up lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
I just check to make sure they put the right stuff in there.

You know thats true too! One time after I left a freestanding store I checked the palette I had the chick put together, and it was the WRONG colors.. I'm glad I got the colors.. but I never even used them all together haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaexbabey
LOL i stare at it whenever my husband is looking at other stores. when i have my mac bag i don't even notice the other stores anymore because everywhere we stop i take something out stare at it, or even smell it! (tendertones lol). then when i stared at it enough i put it in the stroller =) sometimes my purse when i dont want it to get messed up lol

LOL I'm so defensive over my MAC, my family alwayssss wants to see what I bought so they can make fun of me, punks =) I tend to put my hauls in my purse now, they are a lot smaller these days anyway =(


Well-known member
I like to carry the bag around for a little bit, just to show off that I stopped by MAC. Then when I get a bunch of bags I'll put it in my purse so it doesn't get lost. But MAC is always the first stop!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mrsVAKALAHI
LOL I'm so defensive over my MAC, my family alwayssss wants to see what I bought so they can make fun of me, punks =) I tend to put my hauls in my purse now, they are a lot smaller these days anyway =(

hahha my husband always makes fun of me too. he'll say oh more eye gunk and dumb stuff like taht hahah. yeah mine are getting smaller too =(


Well-known member
I look at the goodies from the store to my front door! I just can't wait to get home and break them in. See, I can't be on Spektra while i'm at work, I'm sitting here plotting what to buy when I gt off at 4. Damn you Spektra! LMEO!!


Well-known member
haha thats so funny. I carry my MAC bag with the clear part facing out so everyone can see it. Then i usually go to the food court and sit down and after i eat i check all my products and stare at them.

last time I went to mac I had put swatches on my hand and Iw as wearing turquatic heat and on the drive home, i couldnt stop looking at the swatches on my hand while I was driving and smelling the perfume


Well-known member
I usually haul and then get something to eat at the food court and I take everything out of the boxes and admire them


Well-known member
Many times I don't even bother with a bag...it goes straight into my makeup case. I can't remember the last time I went to a mall to just shop, well a traditional mall at least, because I work at a mall so usually if I want to hit MAC it's before or after work. Heck sometimes it comes right out of the box and goes right on me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mrsVAKALAHI
(and to all you other Mom's out there YOU KNOWWW you don't put it in the stroller, you hold it, or until you get a bag from another store you put the MAC bag inside of that one THEN you put it in the stroller LOL..)

i do this and i thought i was the only one. i usually go to the mac store last and if the mall has a play area for children i let my daughter play in there while i look at my mac stuff to make sure it's all there and to make sure i don't have a dupe at home.

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