R.I.P. Melissa's Dubonnet


Well-known member
So...my tube of Dubonnet committed suicide today...in my dryer. yeah.... not so happy about that- all of my fav shirts n stuff were in there

Fortunately I got most of it out- and hopefully after this next laundering- ALL of it... takes forever!

On the bright side- I have another empty for B2M!!


Well-known member
and there I was thinking you meant one of these;


I was wondering how you'd failed to notice it going in the dryer (unless of course you'd already drunk most of it!). It would have made an awful clanking noise!


Well-known member
Just initially reading the title of this thread that's what I was thinking too


Well-known member
There's another Dubonnet, the one with the cat outline on the bottle. I too thought of alcohol, but very sorry to hear about your loss. Hope it wasn't too messy...


Well-known member
Update: got it out!!! a lot of Lestoil, and a lot of elbow grease (and a couple of times laundering) and it came out!

ms pixieears- it was horrible- there was red EVERYwhere... not just a few spots here and there, it was like red polka dotted clothes- it was a barely used lippie. :-\ so sad.

caffn8me and fairladyz- lol I would hope that I would notice a big bottle of alcohol tumbling around in my dryer
never know tho.


Well-known member
Good to hear you got it out! I had a bunch of tissues that got washed with a jacket and that was hard enough to get off (it went all fluffy and the tissue took forever to get off my jacket even when dry!).

Mmm, I might have a glass of Dubonnet to celebrate *your* good fortune, heh heh.

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