R these e/s pots fake??? HELP SOON pls:D



This is technically my first post and its very ironic tht it has to be in this forum....but i feel u guys are genuinely very helpful with ur guides n all...so i need some help

im posting some pics...they are not too gud....but still...i wud just like to kno whether these seem to be real stuff or not....

the thing tht caught my attention was the weight....some being 1.3g and some being 1.5g....n the pots i have are mostly all 1.5g....
i cannot see more visible difference...but im very new to mac...and thus very very new to fake stuff as well....

pls help me sooooooooooooon

I also wanna kno if its possible to make fake fluidlines....unfortunately i dont have pics of tht...n i read tht its almost impossible to make fake msf's so im guessing thts a safe bet...

while uploadin the pics i thot th t Pink Papillon is weird.....just coz the batch number is diff....but again.....its either tht im very new to mac and dunno the past...or im just being very doubty

thnx loads



Well-known member
I am not too familiar with potted eyeshadows - I actually own very few, but these look fine to me. The labelling on the back looks ok and the hinge which is just visible in one of the pics looks authentic as well
I am not familiar with these colours though, hopefully someone who can help more will come along soon


tht was such a quick response im DELIGHTED

thnx soo much....n yeah i will wait for more replies but thnx really



Well-known member
Ok I own seven MAC eyeshadow pots. I just checked them and all of mine say 1.5g on them. I don't know if that means the 1.3g is a fake or not. But if you like you can go to maccosmetics.com and chat live with an artist or email them and ask if all the pots come in the same size! They are very helpful on that site. Hope this helps


hmm thnx loads
can u tell me a bit more about live chat....

n ya...so does this mean that the batch no AB4 on Pink Papillon is ok.....they have batch numbers like tht?



Well-known member
I just checked MAC's website and under the eye shadow description it says 1.5g. I don't know about the batch numbers. If you go to the website you'll see a link for "live chat"- just click on it and you can talk one-on-one with a live artist. That person should be able to answer your questions.

The batch numbers on all of mine are in the center, by the way.


Well-known member
The batch codes are correct I have posted on another thread about batch codes but i am not very good at linking , I cant see anything wrong with these Eyeshadows so enjoy them


hehe tht was a sweet reply dizzygal...did make me feeel happy though!!!

thanks a lot u guys.....i guess im just overwhelmed with all the counterfeit mac articles ive read n all.....but thnx again!!!


Well-known member
Ok I just did a live chat with Tina. She said that some colors are 1.3 grams and the batch numbers can be placed in different spots. It just depends on where they are made. She wanted to know where you bought them from but I didn't know, sorry
Here is the link for the website- you will see "Live Chat" in gray lettering on the right hand side. Try that again and see what they say. I think your shadows might be ok but it's good that you are questioning it!



Well-known member
They all look authentic to me but to make sure, I checked the dates when the eyeshadows were released.

Jete A96 -- this is authentic b/c it was released with Danse in Dec 2006.

Pink Papillon AB4 -- this was released with Madame B in Feb 2005. I'd say this is also authentic since the e/s was made in Nov 2004, not too long before the release of the collection.

As for freshwater, it's in the permanent collection and from the batch code, it was manufactured in 2004. Perhaps, you can swatch this at a store near you, to be certain.

Also, some of my e/s weigh 1.5g and others 1.3g. From what I can see of the "lip" of the e/s and the imprint on yours, I think they're all safe. HTH a bit!



guys i really cant thank u enuff to be honest....coz i really did not expect all u ppl to be sooo prompt and efficient....im sooo thankful


as for the live chat - for some reason it doesnt show up here....im guessing thats becoz im in Dubai right now, (UAE) and the system here is weird, sadly enuff. Just coz - even the MAC discounts arnt applied here, no PRO stores n all....but oh well!!! Cant complain too much!!

but ya thnx a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!! for asking on my behalf....was really thoughtful - so atleast now i do kno for sure that the gm is not the issue and not the batch code either. I guess freshwater is probably safe too becoz the swatch on my hand felt ok

But now that u mentioned 2004 - I just wanted to kno how long do e/s last....when wud u say theyr 'expired'???

thnx again guys......a pat on the back to all of u


Chic 2k6

Well-known member
they usually last 3 years in a sheltered dry place. but since freshwater is permanent, they're usually made every year i think.

i still use e/s thats 4 years old, so its alright
if it smells funky then its gone bad