Here is my take:
I don't go there often but I can say I usually only visit the FOTD post. If I like the look I will post a nice comment otherwise I just move on.
I don't read the comments that other people make and the few times that I have it has always been nice but keep mind these are usually the very creative and more skilled looks.
I guess I am going to have to pay more attention to what goes on there.
I thought about posting an FOTD over there but I really like posting them here.
I don't know if they have mods over there like we do. Also, chances are they are more "anything goes forum". Most of the ones on LJ are that way.
I am open to criticism but I rarely ask for or get it here.
Typically, I have found that here you need to ask for it in order to get it.
I know on some forums people feel that if you post your look are want criticism.
I don't always want it so I don't ask for it. I personally know what is wrong with my technique and try to fix it everytime I do my face.
When I view an FOTD I keep in mind that not everyone is at the same skill level. What I am looking at may not be "top line" but it might just be the best they can do right now. I know of several people that when I started viewing their FOTD's I was like that's good and now it's like WOW that's hot, I wish I was that good. People improve and I like to encourage improvement without pointing out all the flaws. Some people might stop posting FOTD's if they get too much criticism. They might even give up on improving their technique. Which really is a shame because you never know who could be the "next big thing".
Sorry for the ramble. I say just be happy you/we have a place like Specktra to come and visit!
Let LJ be a bunch bitches if they so choose and if people know that when post their FOTD'S over there that they might get some words of choice they didn't really want well they are posting the pics knowing what could happen.
I for one LOVE Specktra and I agree that is great that almost everyone here is very warm and friendly. If you ask for criticism they tend to be less harsh. You don't have to be blunt and rude to get your point across. You can be honest without being plain out rude!
Being honest does mean you must use negative words!
Maybe when you see the rude post you could the person a "good comment". Try to find something about the look that is nice. If I personally do not like the technique sometimes I will comment on the colors.
I think Janice and Chelsea have done a great job with Specktra!
So, I say why go anywhere else when you can have best of everything right here!
BTW yes, I do
many posters here! They are great!