Rant: Lovespell = deathsmell


Active member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
One that is similar (but IMO more tolerable) is Pure Seduction by VS--its Red instead of the purple that Love Spell is. I love it, right after a shower!

I know for some the fruit smells can really be overdoing it, so I do it prob once or twice a week, definitely not my daily smell and for me its a nice winter refresher.

Although in all honesty, my sweet smelling stuff like that (Love Spell, Pure Seduction, really any VS Body Sprays) are going into hiatus mode for the summer. I HATE when bees and wasps hang around you if you smell like fruit or vanilla. Booo....I've not been stung yet and am petrified to be.

I love the Pure seduction it kinda has a love spell sent to it IMO and some kinda candy...


Well-known member
I agree with lovespell = deathspell because I had an asthma attack and my eye puffed up three times its size when my roommate spray it all over our room... when I first smelled it I thought it was a nice yummy candy smell but now after that experience, I don't even want to go to the bath & beauty section of VS. haha


Well-known member
Joining the Love Spell hate here, I have a few little things of it from various GWP totes that I bought and well, they have not been touched. I can't stand that sickeningly-sweet kind of floral, it's almost like it shouldn't be worn after the age of 16. Not a fan, to say the least.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
OMG Love Spell was all the rage when I was in high school.

Then, when I was in college I started to work for Victoria's Secret in their beauty department...I wanted to jump out of the window. Love Spell is THE WORST garden fragrance they have, besides Pure Seduction [smells like cough syrup].


Active member
The scent of Lovespell takes me back to my junior year in hs, that was my (and most of my friends) signature scent! Now that Im grown, I've pretty much moved away from Victoria's Secret, most are too sweet smelling for my taste now, and I'll leave the candy scented fragrances to the teeny-boppers. I probably wont ever wear them again, but I'll always have a place in my heart for Lovespell (and Endless Love!)


Well-known member
i like love spell but i hate the pear one from vs! ugh that stuff reeks like cheap alcohol!


Ugh, there's a lady that comes into my work all the time that reeks of this and cigarettes. Not a pleasant combination at all


Well-known member
Originally Posted by deven.marie
what bothers me is that it seems like EVERYONE wears it. like, buy perfume to smell unique, not like every 9th grader in america.

I love lovespell, and thats why I buy it. You buy what you like, no matter if one person or a million love it.


Well-known member
I completely agree. I can't stand that smell it makes me sick !~ I know a ton of people like it. There is just something in it that doesn't click with me!


Well-known member
I don't mind it, but it depends. And it certainly isn't my choice of fragrance. I used to hate it in high school but I really love the scented hairspray of it. I have the body scrub, spray, and lotion as well but I rarely use them b/c it's kind of a "I have to be in the mood to smell this" kind of thing. The hairspray is great, though. I think it's just the way it mixes with my own hair/body smells though.


Well-known member
I work at VS and this is the worst fragrance. It does smell like strippers. Cigarettes and alcohol. But it is the best seller. We sell tons of it.


I loved it at first, that I bought the spray, the lotion, etc. But you're right, after a while, it gets SO sickening. It's really overwhelming.


Well-known member
Try smelling it after every gym class in the girl's locker room. Yum, sweat + love spell in a poorly ventilated room.


Well-known member
Haha! This thread cracked me up.. yeah, smells pretty bad. I had it in lotion once in middle school.

Originally Posted by deven.marie
what bothers me is that it seems like EVERYONE wears it. like, buy perfume to smell unique, not like every 9th grader in america.

TRUE THAT. I feel the same way about Clinique Happy, as well.


Well-known member
omg. my ex boyfriends gma bought me a set of this stuff for xmas last year, somehow I had never really smelled this before, but omg its DISGUSTING. like seriously, gag worthy, soooo not my scent. it smells like plastic fruit punch. blech. amazing grace by philosophy, please.

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