Ready for Christmas?


Well-known member
Is everyone ready for Christmas? Anyone Braving the malls tomorrow? I finished up Wednesday night (that was my third trip to finish up). I've been baking (I so overloaded on sugar this week I had to go buy chips and dip for some non sweet snacks). My kids are out of school and driving me crazy and I was lucky enough to get some kind of flu yesterday and I've been out of it for two days.

Anyways I hope everyone who travels has a safe trip and Santa brings everyone lots of mac or other goodies. :)


Well-known member
i sure the heck am ready! merry christmas to you too lovely


New member
Originally Posted by joytheobscure
My kids are out of school and driving me crazy and I was lucky enough to get some kind of flu yesterday and I've been out of it for two days.


My son just got back from a spending a few days with his grandparents. They said the 2nd day he was bored! Typical kid! They want out of school but don't know what to when they are out.

Can you cough my way? Maybe if I got sick he would take care of me...(yeah right)

I am SO ready for Christmas! Let's get it over with already!

I can't wait to go looking at lights on Christmas Eve!


Well-known member
i am so ready! cause christmas is when i get to go home (to my moms) currently at my dads. and i cannot wait! and im getting tons of mac! well i hope everyone has a wonderful christmas!!

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
I open presents from my mom, dad, and brother tonight! We dont want to have to take all of our presents to my grandmas and then take them back. I am too excited! I am hoping for some MAC, but I doubt I am getting any. I think my parents are "scared" of it lol. They think I dont need make up. Silly gooses.

Oh and then I am making sugar cookies later.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it

My son just got back from a spending a few days with his grandparents. They said the 2nd day he was bored! Typical kid! They want out of school but don't know what to when they are out.

Can you cough my way? Maybe if I got sick he would take care of me...(yeah right)

I am SO ready for Christmas! Let's get it over with already!

I can't wait to go looking at lights on Christmas Eve!

:::cough cough::::: How old is your son? My 9,7, and 4 year old have been fighting enough today....


New member
Originally Posted by joytheobscure
:::cough cough::::: How old is your son? My 9,7, and 4 year old have been fighting enough today....

10 going on 17! LOL He is already saving for a car! Where did the time go? I want my little boy back!

Goodness you have your hands full!
How do you do it?

Just my one drives me bonkers around Christmas! To make it even worse he knows his Aunties will be getting him a PSP and he is actually counting down the minutes until we see the family! If our clock "dongs" one more time and he announces how long much longer he has until the PSP is in his hands, I think I am going to start drinking!



Well-known member
Hell yes I am so ready for christmas! I know I will be getting some MAC stuff and sephora stuff yay! and maybe some clothes. I want to open my presents nowww hehe.


Well-known member
I am soooo ready
i'm at my grandparents' place, we're gonna have dinner here with my family today (24th) and tomorrow we have a lot of extended family, friends and my Bf coming over for lunch and more presents whhhheeeeeee!!!!!
i have my outfit ready for today, but not tomorrow's, and i still don't know what MU i'm wearing, i think i'm repeating the plums/purples eye look i did recently.
hope everyone has an awesome christmas and gets looooots of MAC for presents


Well-known member
I'm not. Not at all. My boyfriend and I just moved into a new apartment. In the process of moving, we thought we lost one of our cats, so I was extremely stressed out. I couldn't afford to buy presents for most of my family. I got stuff for my niece and nephew, though, because Christmas is a lot more exciting for them
I'm going to my mom's tomorrow to cook dinner as my Christmas present to everyone else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by litlaur
I'm not. Not at all. My boyfriend and I just moved into a new apartment. In the process of moving, we thought we lost one of our cats, so I was extremely stressed out. I couldn't afford to buy presents for most of my family. I got stuff for my niece and nephew, though, because Christmas is a lot more exciting for them
I'm going to my mom's tomorrow to cook dinner as my Christmas present to everyone else.

Well, Christmas really is so much for the kids - I am cooking today (just sweets). Cooking is a great Christmas present, its work.. What I do for friends when I can't afford big gifts I make pumpkin bread and buy cup towels or any cheap Kitchen holiday thing... Thats what I give teachers, coworkers...its very cheap and people seem to like it. Have a nice Christmas tomorrow!