Really strange stuff you used to do in your car when you were younger?


Well-known member
Anyone ever do strange stuff in their car when they were 16 or 17 years old? Like racing people in nicer cars just for the hell of it? Or just doing random stuff for no reason in the middle of the night?

I used to have this really really crappy car that my dad used to let me "borrow" from him when I was 16 and I had to drive to school because I moved farther away from it. So at night, when I was hanging out with my friends, I would randomly just start off-roading... for no reason... just to do it. I would go up on curbs and drive into park baseball diamonds at 3am and sit there for awhile or do donuts in it like crazy.

I have no idea why I used to do this, only that it was funny and hilarious and immature all at the same time. My friends and I used to do it so much they made a slogan for it "Off-Roading with Ashley" and every time I would call them to hang out they would ask me if we were going to go off roading with Ashley and when and where?

We all look back now and laugh, especially since I didn't care about that car at all and my dad just let it sit around collecting dust. Eventually it broke down... and we had the car junked. By the end of the line the car had so many stickers on it basically looked like a walking advertisement for Hot Topic and bands... strange.

Anyone else have a weird story to tell like that? Or am I just weird?


Well-known member
I would roll up to some car and be ll serious and ask a dirty question or yell obscenities. I also threw cereal at some people.

The best was when I stuck my ass out of the window during Germanfest and some guy pointing wanted to shove a finger in my butt hahaha.

I flashed a guy my nip ring and he about fell off his bike.

Yea I had fun back in the high skool dayz


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I would roll up to some car and be ll serious and ask a dirty question or yell obscenities. I also threw cereal at some people.

The best was when I stuck my ass out of the window during Germanfest and some guy pointing wanted to shove a finger in my butt hahaha.

I flashed a guy my nip ring and he about fell off his bike.

Yea I had fun back in the high skool dayz

LOL. I remember throwing food at people and people's cars at one time.. oh dear. My friend once stuck his entire body out of my window and threw a empty bottle at some guys Escalade and he chased us all around the neighborhood until I hid in a driveway. Ahhh... good times.


Well-known member
ooohhh no. where to begin.

I used to (when I first started driving) i drove my moms 1996 Ford Taurus Station wagon. ooh my what fun we had in that machine. I drove that thing like it was indestructible, and one day my mom noticed the HUGE scratch marks on the bumper and I said "wow I wonder who did that!" I reciently confessed to her that it was me (10 years later)For the longest time she thought that SHE had done it!..I called that car "jellybean"

Once a few friends and I threw fireworks out the window of the car.

My friend had a Pontiac Grand Prix that we drove the HELL out of "DIP AHEAD" meant drive faster, im surprised that car lasted as long as it did.

My boyfriend has a 82 Ford Bronco we call "Chug chug" because it runs and looks like shit because its an offroad rig, we drive into mountains with it.


Well-known member
I used to spit my gum at passing cars when we were leaving the HS parking lot.


Well-known member
whenever me and my friends would take trips to places like san francisco and santa cruz we would yell shit to people while we were in downtown or somewhere with tons of people. some of the things we would say was not so nice... lmao


Well-known member
I forgot the Throwing Cheese and bologna out of the sunroof onto the cars behind us (yikes!) funny as hell though!!!

(And Gummy bears/worms)
(and soda)
(ok.. and once a Half eaten burrito...)