Rec for a glowy, dewy finish? MSF or BP?


Well-known member
I'm looking for something to give that nice, ethereal glow to my skin. I use a MSF Natural over my foundation and love it. Now I'm debating between an MSF or beauty powder to polish it off.

I'm NW25 and I have a lot of pink/red in my skin so I think I want more of a neutral as opposed to a pink. Any suggestions?


Well-known member
I tend to use my Pearl Sunshine beauty powder from the Barbie collection to get a glowy look.

Kiwi Girlie

Well-known member
I own both MSF's and Beauty Powders, for my natural Glowy look I use Shooting star or Glissade on my cheekbones. I tend to use my beauty powders more for special occassions rather then everyday as they give my cheeks a frostier look.