Recomendations for a MAC newbie!

Growing Wings

Well-known member
I'm looking to add to my makeup collection, but after looking at the many many shades that MAC do, I have no idea what to go for!

Unfortunately, due to having ME, I can't get to a shop to see a MAC MA and ask for suggestions, so I thought I'd see what you guys thought!

Here's a pic of me so you can see what sort of things would suit me:

I'm open to pretty much any suggestions!


Well-known member
Take a look on the new Beauty Powder Blushes. Shy Beauty or True Romantic could be nice colors for you.
For the lips try Viva Glam VI SE lipglass.
Satin Taupe eyeshadow is always a great color.

Do you prefer bright or nude colors?


Well-known member
I think a blue eyeshadow would be really fun with your blue eyes, like Freshwater. Amber Lights eyeshadow would be pretty and shroom eyeshadow. Get Untitled paint or Painterly paint pot for an eyeshadow base. I love beige-ing shadestick for a shimmery neutral base. Shadesticks really make eyeshadows bright too. Also get a 187 or 188(slightly smaller) brush for blushes. Look into some of the beauty powder blushes. They are coming out later this month but sound promising. Blacktrack fluidline or dipdown fluidline and a 263 brush for it. Since you are fair i'd go for the lighter blushes. There are so many lipsticks, it really depends on what colors you wear. For you i'd pick Viva Glam 5.
For foundation you look like an NW15 but its hard to match through a picture. Studio Fix is a powder foundation that I like most out of their choices. It has buildable coverage and is matte. If you apply it with the 187 brush it looks good.
You should get some brushes too. My current favorite is the 224 for eyeshadow and the 219 pencil brush. 239 is also really useful.
I love to just browse their site and read about the products and color descriptions. Get a few of your favorites, you'll have so much fun!

Growing Wings

Well-known member
Thanks guys! That's given me a good place to start!

Originally Posted by Susanne
Do you prefer bright or nude colors?

At the moment I'm mainly wearing nudes, but I'd love to brighten things up every now and again.


Well-known member
If you like nude/brown shades I think that Cork and Espresso eyeshadows are a must. If you want a pretty and bright blush color then check out Dollymix blush. It looks gorgeous on so many different complexions IMO. And i agree with pumpkincat210 that you need to check out Blacktrack and Dipdown fluidlines.