Recommend a Matte Highlight Shade (NW20)


I'm quite pale, NW 20 in MAC foundations and I'm looking for a MATTE or SATIN highlighting eyeshadow. Most pale eyeshadows barely show up on my skin and I feel like I've wasted my money. :(

I have Nylon and Ricepaper (Which is too dark for a highlight on me)
If anyone can suggest one I'd be grateful, and if you could include swatches that would be even better!


Well-known member
I am an NW20 as well :) Brule works best on me! however WnW has a single shadow also called brule thats essentially the same color as the mac one and is only $1.99. I like the finish better as well its more soft and more pigmented. I ran out of mine and its hard to find in canada so I ended up just using my mac one for now.